
  • Every year about this time I go to the mountains with a friend. The cabin is at about 6200 feet elevation. I frequently feel yucky the first day while I accomodate to the altitude. This year I am 47lbs lighter, and I had no trouble at all. I could walk and breathe at the same time. We went out to eat and I didn't feel sick. I am so pleased!

    We also went to the local grocery store and they had Satsuma Mandarin oranges, so I came home with a whole passel of oranges. Yum.
  • What an awesome NVS! You should be very proud of yourself!
  • That's fantastic! It must be amazing to feel so fit!!! Yeah!!!!!!
  • That's amazing!!! Congratulations!!! I agree what a great NSV!!! I had that problem when I was 13 and went to Washignton to visit family and we went for a short hike up Mount Saint Helen! I didn't know people over weight could do that! Maybe when I get to 125 I'll be able to hike up my local California mountains without pain or trouble breathing! I can hope! If not I'll go to doctor and see if they can help because I do love to hike.
  • Awesome NSV (and congrats on 47lbs!)!! And sounds like a beautiful place to go!! Enjoy your oranges!!
  • Congrats on the weight loss and not having issues with the altitude sickness. But I'm really jealous that you can still get Satsuma oranges. We get them here in WA, but only for about a one month period from mid-November through the end of December. They are YUMMMY!
  • That's so great!! I love stuff like this!!
  • Super yay!
  • We have very similar starting stats so this was great to read!! congrats on your nsv!! That must feel awesome!
  • Thanks!

    Betsy, my friend who is more of an orange expert than I am, was very puzzled as to why the little store in the mountains had Satsuma oranges at this time of year. I just know that they are yummy.
  • That is a great NSV!! I bet you had such an enjoyable time! Congrats and I'm happy for you!!
  • Congratulations! Those are awesome victories! And congrats on being 47 pounds lighter, too!
  • Woo Hoo!