facebook friends

  • anyone want to be fb friends and chat and support each other?

    let me give you a bio of myself

    Im 23 and have two beautiful kids christian is almost 3 and Faith is 1. Im engaged and Im currently looking for others that I chat with about losing weight. After two c-sections Im finally out of the depressed stage of all this weight and Im finally doing something about it. I miss my body b4 kids and I am going to get it back.

    Please don't send request if you have other intentions
  • c2-

    Sure, count me in, that sounds great!

    I just friend requested you.

    A little about me, I am 36, trying to lose this weight that I gained from a lot of these meds, and it is so frustrating at times. Currently I am a hospital volunteer but I hope to work in the administrative side of medicine part time.

    Well, I hope we can connect!

    Take care

  • Sending you a request right this moment