Sports dinner tonight

  • I'm going to a lasagna dinner tonight to benefit our local basketball team. I don't know what to eat!! It's lasagna, breads, deserts and I'm hoping tossed salad. What can I eat! I'm still in phase 1...I know I can have salad...hopefully lots of salad. But what else can I eat? HELP!!!
  • I would suggest you eat before you go. Then eat the salad when you are there, and your restricted item.
  • Quote: I would suggest you eat before you go. Then eat the salad when you are there, and your restricted item.
    That's exactly what I'd do. Just watch what's on the salad - including the dressing (you might want to take your own along).
  • If you are in P1 there isn't much there you can eat except the salad and even then, you need to watch it and even bring your own dressing. I'd either eat my dinner before I go or not go at all if you feel too tempted.
  • Question? What if they have meatballs on the side (don't know if they will) could I have a couple of meatballs?
  • BTW...Thanks for all of the input. I think I will be making my own salad dressing. I won't be tempted by the sweets...I've never been a sugar freak anyways.
  • Quote: Question? What if they have meatballs on the side (don't know if they will) could I have a couple of meatballs?
    You have to be careful with meatballs as they often have fillers like bread crumbs. Also, there may be sauce with sugar, etc. on the meatballs. I usually decided it wasn't worth the risk.
  • Hi,

    I agree eat before you go and enjoy a salad with your own dressing!
    Never know whats in the meatballs!
    You can do it! Stay OP! and you wont be tempted!!
    Drink lots of water too.
    Good Luck!
  • I would bring your own dinner. Just pack a salad with chicken on it and dressing on the side. If you aren't comfortable with that then I agree with the others and eat before you go. Bring a bar with you to have for dessert while everyone else is eating. I wouldn't touch the meatballs, they could have breadcrumbs in them.
    You can do this , stay OP its worth it!
  • Yup. Go prepared to not eat anything. Eat before you go and maybe bring some raw veggies and a bar. Drink lots of water.

    Even in maintenance I avoid eating these kinds of meals. You don't know what's in them and they are do carb heavy and protein light.
  • Quote: Question? What if they have meatballs on the side (don't know if they will) could I have a couple of meatballs?
    Just know that almost ALL meatballs everywhere are made with bread filler. I only eat my own homemade meatballs to avoid the bread carbs.
  • Thank you so much everyone. To be honest with you, I totally forgot about fillers put into meatballs. I am so glad I found 3FC' this forum.
  • Charabot -- You have my sympathies. This will be a tough one. I used to think that there was some kind of way through any kind of meal, but I have come to realize I am wrong. I agree with the others about the meatballs and the sauce and I would be worried that the salad may be pre-dressed as so many Italian salads are. I'd bring my own salad -- maybe you can sneak it onto your bare plate at the table while the others are up at the buffet? (Assuming it's a buffet!)

    Don't forget, sometimes you have the perfect right to pass on an event altogether if you find that it is not worth it. I just did this over the weekend with a ballgame. I was having an extremely hungry day and my attitude wasn't all that positive, and I just didn't completely trust myself at the ballgame. I didn't think I would cheat, but I did think I would have a bad time and begin resenting this diet. So I stayed home. I don't regret it a bit. I think my hubby and son had a better time eating themselves silly without worrying about bothering me anyway. There will be other ballgames.

    Good luck!
  • This will be tough but you can pull it off. Don't go hungry - eat ahead of time and make sure that you eat enough protein to keep your belly fine. As others said, salad will need to be your friend. Make sure you let someone know that you want salad with no dressing. And yes, take a bar with you to help you make it. Drink lots of water. I just pulled off a two day beer weekend, was tough but I did it. Good luck!