Question about Lettuce and Mirical whip on IP diet

  • Hi,
    I have not posted here before, but I had a couple of questions I was hoping someone could help me with.

    1st is Boston lettuce a free vegetable or do you have to count, I know Iceberg and romaine are free.

    2nd, I had a table spoon (probably less) of light miracle whip today, I know its not allowed but after I looked at the label I thought it probably wouldn’t hurt, then i saw ingredients but I had already eaten it.
    20 cal, (10 fat cal)
    1.5g total fat (1g poly fat)
    125 mg sodium
    2g carb
    <1g sugar

    Ingredient number 5 is high fructose corn syrup and number 6 is sugar, then towards the end is sucralose and aesulfame potassium (sweetners)

    I know some of the IP food has some sugars, but I didn’t view the source it was an after thought.

    Wondering if that small amount would set be back by 3 days? Anyone?

    Thanks for the input.

    I love coming here to read everyone’s experiences.
  • My coach doesn't differentiate about lettuce. Anything with the word lettuce in it is free. Also raw spinach is free as well.

    As for the miracle whip - yep I would stay away. We're only supposed to add condiments that have 0 carbs 0 calories. The HFCS is really bad because your body doesn't know how to metabolize it.

    You'll probably be okay, but just know that it's not on the IP protocol.

    Good luck!
  • Needs to be 0/0/0/ fat/carbs/sugar. I know Walden Farms has a couple of mayos, you can try those. I'm going to try the pomegranate mayo when I can have fruit again lol
  • Thanks! Yeah I know the 0/0/0 rule, just didnt think going over a little would mess me up, then I got worried when I saw the HFCS and sugar. I didnt think to read ingredients. Duh! Good news is i'm down 6/10th of a lb so i think I am in the clear. I need to get some of the Walden farms mayo so I stay safe! Thanks for your input. Im happy the lettuce is free, I wasnt clear if they all were or just specific ones.
  • Don't forget you can also make your own mayo out of olive's really good!
  • You can have the wf pomegranate mayo on phase 1.
  • Quote: Hi,
    I have not posted here before, but I had a couple of questions I was hoping someone could help me with.

    1st is Boston lettuce a free vegetable or do you have to count, I know Iceberg and romaine are free.

    2nd, I had a table spoon (probably less) of light miracle whip today, I know its not allowed but after I looked at the label I thought it probably wouldn’t hurt, then i saw ingredients but I had already eaten it.
    20 cal, (10 fat cal)
    1.5g total fat (1g poly fat)
    125 mg sodium
    2g carb
    <1g sugar

    Ingredient number 5 is high fructose corn syrup and number 6 is sugar, then towards the end is sucralose and aesulfame potassium (sweetners)

    I know some of the IP food has some sugars, but I didn’t view the source it was an after thought.

    Wondering if that small amount would set be back by 3 days? Anyone?

    Thanks for the input.

    I love coming here to read everyone’s experiences.

    we know its not part of the plan but if that's your only slip, you could easily go thru the rest of the week and not even notice an effect from worries!
  • My coach said the official "party line" (IP official stance) is that only iceburg and romaine lettuce are unlimited. I roll my eyes at that and also count boston lettuce...I mean REALLY???

    But spinach is a veggie, clearly listed on the P1 sheet (some coaches tweak the rules but IP just came out with a new sheet and spinach is still a veggie)

    Miracle Whip isn't an approved condiment. You have already given your own reasons why.

    When I started IP, I learned I had to "give in" and do it the IP-way.
    If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it!
    With 110-115 lbs to lose total, there's just no messing around for me.
  • Quote: My coach said the official "party line" (IP official stance) is that only iceburg and romaine lettuce are unlimited. I roll my eyes at that and also count boston lettuce...I mean REALLY???

    But spinach is a veggie, clearly listed on the P1 sheet (some coaches tweak the rules but IP just came out with a new sheet and spinach is still a veggie)

    Miracle Whip isn't an approved condiment. You have already given your own reasons why.

    When I started IP, I learned I had to "give in" and do it the IP-way.
    If I'm gonna do it, I'm gonna do it!
    With 110-115 lbs to lose total, there's just no messing around for me.
    That's interesting about spinach. My coaches, about 2 months ago said they just got word from IP that "raw" spinach is free, but not cooked spinach.
  • Quote: That's interesting about spinach. My coaches, about 2 months ago said they just got word from IP that "raw" spinach is free, but not cooked spinach.
    I have used raw spinach as a freebie like lettuce since I started. The reason, I can see why not cooked is because a cup of raw spinach is 7 cal 1 carb 1 fiber. A cup of cooked spinach is 41 cal 7 carb 4 fiber. There's a huge difference.
  • I specifically asked my coach about spinach after some conversations on threads here. She's a regional rep and had just come back from a weeklong training in New Orleans.
    She said the party line hadn't changed on spinach altho she knew different coaches told people different things.
    She also said she always tells people the official company policy b/c THAT is what the plan is based on.
    Am I trying to get someone to change what they are doing with spinach? No.
    Just giving info.

    I also asked about measuring cooked vs raw
    She said the company uses the term "pre-cooked" meaning raw/before-cooking (there is some translation issues sometimes with the original French).
    She said she understands how some coaches see "pre-cooked" and think it should be cooked before measuring. The RRs explained this to the "powers that be" at the training....language barriers!

    So, back to spinach: It would always be measured raw anyway! I'd hardly think the tiny bit of cooked would be worth it! LOL