75 Days Smoke Free!

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  • Today is 75 days without a cigarette for me. I'm surprised I've made it this far.
  • that is fantastic! Be proud, quitting smoking can be hard and you are doing very well Keep it up and Congrats!!!!
  • A very hard thing to conquer. Be proud of yourself. Think of how much better you are feeling. I am happy for you.

    April 1993- My last cigarette after 28 years of smoking.
  • Many congrats. Giving up smoking was much harder than weightloss for me. That's for sure. But I learnt some great lessons from it that I have applied to weight loss. The biggest one was to learn each time you fail while you fail. That way you learn not to fail.

    Anyway, I ended up giving up with lozenges....which I took for three years! I ended up being hooked on the lozenges and even enjoyed them more than smoking (because I could take them in the office, on a plane etc.) To give up the lozenges I started on breath mints which tasted the same but did not contain nicotine. I take breath mints to this very day even though I have not smoked in 8 years. Crazy eh? But it worked for me.
  • Woo Hoo !! Way to go !!

    Quitting smoking IS a big deal !! I can totally understand because I quit cold turkey over a year ago and am still going strong !!

    Did body change once you stopped though? I bloated !!! I got irritable, nervous and a was on whole a very negative person. But I am glad I quit.. my body is thanking me for it. I feel a difference in my skin, sleep, stamina and overall everything !!

    Wish you luck !! The only 'C' you should be burning is Calories not Cigarettes
  • Congratulations!! I stopped smoking almost 7 years ago & not a day goes by that I don't *want* to smoke. I don't smoke, but the desire is still there.
  • NICE, congratulations on reaching that milestone!
  • Congrats
  • That is awesome, Moreta! That is the way to go! You have a lot to be proud of

    Keep at it, day by day, even moment by moment, I think things will continue to get easier.

    That is awesome news! Keep it up!
  • Thanks everyone. The best part is that I haven't gained weight this time I quit. I did all the other times I quit.
  • Congratulations!
  • Congratulations! That is hard to do. Keep up the awesome work! I plan on trying after I get down to my goal weight. I think I'd turn into a meanie monster if I did a major diet and quit smoking the same time.
  • congrats!! i am working on quitting.

    january i smoked 1 a cigarette an hour
    february was 1/2 cigarette per hour
    march was 1/3 a cigarette per hour
    now this month is 1/3 a cigarette every hour and a half.
    i want to get to the point where i literally have a smoke break after breakfast, lunch, and dinner and that's it... when i get there, i know i can drop it altogether.
    the longest i've gone was 30 days exactly, and i wanted to freaking stab someone for a puff. but that was with the patch, which i really don't think works. this time, it's all about willpower!
  • Congratulations !
  • Big, big congrats!! Yay you! and that you haven't gained is stellar!