Getting Married!

  • Hey, I'm brand new here and really looking for some help! I'm getting married in only 4 months, and have over 20 pounds to lose before then. Unfortunatley, I'm a complusive overeater and I do even worse at controlling myself when I'm under stress. Of course, having to plan a wedding doesn't help with that! Guess I'm not really sure what to say right now, just wanted to introduce myself and hopefully I can meet some other people who are going through this journey, too!
  • Welcome and good luck! Congrats on your engagement.
  • Congratulations! OA is about one day at a time so it's the same when you're on a "timeline". It might be a good idea to attend more OA meetings than you usually do. I found that has worked for me when the stress in my life increases. All I know is from what I've heard and read, the more we want to "control", the further we are away from our abstinence. I'm only on day 41 of my abstinence though but I know that only focusing on my abstinence one day at a time has helped me. Also I haven't been able to wait to weigh myself only once a week but since I'm working the steps with a sponsor, I do seem a lot less focused on the weight loss, which I see it as a byproduct of my recovery. Hope that makes sense!!