Catch Phrases that get you through

  • Which ones do you employ on a regular bases to keep you motivated and on track?

    For instance what got me started and was an epiphany (yea...i'm a slow learner, lol) is Albert Einsteins (basically reads) the definition of stupid is doing the same things over and over and expecting different results. Which i applied to my eating habits and why i wasn't losing weight and then did a diet over- haul

    Now that i'm at goal it's things like
    I am in control
    I don't need that, i don't HAVE to eat that, I can DO this, etc.

    Please give me some of your best and whatever else helps you. For non phrase helps it's usually watching my favorite actresses (for around my age, one is Dana Delaney) and how they look slim and in shape.
  • I have posted these before but they are worth repeating in my opinion. I'd be lost without these quotes in my head keeping me on plan, both foodwise and exercise wise. They apply to other parts of my life too but right now, my health and weightloss are my ultimate goals.

    The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.

    You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.

    Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean that you aren't headed for sunshine.
  • Quote:
    Don't confuse your path with your destination. Just because it's stormy now doesn't mean that you aren't headed for sunshine.
    LOOOOVE this one. This is one i'll have to employ for the REST of me, because i tend to live in the moment and just feel like bad times are forever destined!
  • Regarding head hunger, plateaus, bad weigh ins, bad workouts...just about everything really- "This too shall pass!"

    Or, in the words of my grandmother, "This s*** shall pass, too!"
  • Quote: Regarding head hunger, plateaus, bad weigh ins, bad workouts...just about everything really- "This too shall pass!"

    Or, in the words of my grandmother, "This s*** shall pass, too!"
    YES! just ride it out, it's not that big of a deal
  • It's not about motivation, it's about commitment.

    You didn't gain the weight overnight, you can't lose it overnight either.
  • From the CBC radio show The Dead Dog Cafe "Stay calm, be brave, wait for the signs."

    From my own hockey obsessed brain "Keep your mind on the task til you save like Tuuka Rask." (Tuuka Rask is an NHL goalie.)

    From Buddhist traditional mantra the Heart Sutra "Gate, gate, para gate, parasamgate, bodhi svaha" (gone gone, gone beyond, gone altogether beyond, O what an awakening, all hail!)
  • This winter, I have been using the catchphrase "Summer bodies are made in the winter." It's got me through plenty of COLD work outs!
  • I keep remind myself that "I value myself enough to do X" (X can be eating something healthy, working out, doing something kind for myself etc).