I am thinking of a tummy tuck... what do you think? (pic included)

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  • I know it's not a massive amount of loose skin but part of me is frustrated at my loose skin on my stomach. Do you think this is somethign to resolve itself over time or am I hooped??? It's the belly button that bugs me. My smallest baby was just under 9lbs.

  • You seem top have a better stomach than me...Is it really loose skin or do you just need to exercise your core and abs more and reduce body fat percentage? by the way, I am not saying you are fat, you look very fit! But even fit people can improve themselves and maybe a personal trainer st the gym could get you some great results and it wouldn't cost as much? I just was surprised you were thinking of a tummy tuck based on that picture. you would never know you'd had three kids!
  • Thanks Lucy.

    I've had a very nice/flat stomach my whole life (well except for when I was 40lbs heavier lol) and so I wonder if part of it is just me needing to adjust to the new "me" rather than anything wrong. It is completely loose skin that I can pull out 3 inches ahead of me, there is really no fat to speak of.

    I've been working out (powerlifting) for almost 10 years and qualified to train others, so unfortunately I don't think I can get much results beyond what I already do.
  • In my opinion you look wonderful! I mean that honestly. But, based on all my research and my own experience at a plastic surgeon's office, that skin will never firm up on it's own. Sorry.

  • If I looked as good as you, I'd walk around naked!

    Seriously though, I think you look great. But you should do what is best for you. If it will make you feel better and more confident, I'd say go for it. But if the thought of surgery is putting you off a bit, I'd say you could totally rock what you have. Good luck!
  • Yes, I agree with Cherry pie and Elvis lover: you look great but I guess if you are unhappy then do whatever you need to get that extra boost! maybe have some consultations with a surgeon first to explore your options/what type of results you can expect. Best of luck (but damn I hope I look like you after I have kids).
  • hey I think you look great But I understand where you are coming from. Personally I wouldn't care about it because you still look smoking and I have a kind of pride in mommy bellies. Are you done having kids? I have a friend who finished having kids and had a similar belly but a bit more loose skin and she had a tummy tuck. It was something she needed to feel good. It's really up to how much is this affecting you.
  • Honestly, I would not risk major surgery to deal with a bit of loose skin that still looks so modest and fine.

    I think we get in our heads this idea of looking perfect. Well, we have babies, we gain and lose weight. We gain and lose fitness. We get older. We have accidents and get scars. We live life and it's OK for our bodies to show some wear and tear and yours shows very little wear and tear.

    Is it your choice? of course, but major surgery, anesthesia is no joke and shouldn't be taken lightly either.

    With that said I would think on getting a tummy tuck of someone gave me the money to do it (as I know my husband would never agree to spend the money on it), but I have far more tummy troubles and woes and even then I'm still not sure I would risk it for pure vanity reasons.
  • I think your stomach looks great, and would be very happy if mine looked like that at the end of my journey. But I understand that when something bothers you it's personal and other people reassuring you that it's fine sometimes doesn't work.

    Have you thought about trying some none surgical procedures like vela shape or cool sculpting. There are some great before and after pictures on realself.com. A lot of these treatments usually have deep discounts on groupon as well (at least in my area). It might be something to look into before surgery.

    Good luck. And congrats on your weightloss!
  • Thank you girls, I appreciate it.

    I think maybe the issue is more self-acceptance than anything.

    My mom had a heart attack during surgery (she was 37 years old, not much older than me) and I have a serious phobia of general anesthesia because of that. I don't think I could actually do it. It took me 5 years to show up for my wisdom tooth removal because of it.

    Yes, I'm done having kids. Maybe I will just try very hard to look as good in a one piece as I can It's just hard. My kids are young (3 & under) so perhaps this is more of a postpartum adjustment.
  • I think part of the problem too, is that I am very into fitness. I love it, but it's hard when the other girls do not have children and haven't dealt with the ramifications of that. I think it can warp my perspective.
  • Quote: I think part of the problem too, is that I am very into fitness. I love it, but it's hard when the other girls do not have children and haven't dealt with the ramifications of that. I think it can warp my perspective.
    Ah yes, it is warping your perspective. For sure. Wait until these same women have babies!

    See, at my fitness area, most of the instructors are mid 30s and 40s. They have great bodies and are very fit, but you can see the results of pregnancy - stretch marks, slightly poochy stomach, etc.

    As my husband said when I was getting HUNDREDS of pregnancy stretch marks (and my chubby tummy had NONE before pregnancy) and I was getting freaked out by my tummy, "It's a small price to pay for the kids".

    And I know women who have opted to NOT have kids just because of not wanting to deal with the physical side of it. That's their choice and I respect that, but my choice was the kids and yes, they were worth the damage they caused (and it was more than just stretch marks - but bladder issues - stress in continence, and I broke my tailbone with the youngest and I still can't sit in certain positions because of it).
  • Thanks berry. Maybe I need to find a new crowd - I'm nearing 'retirement' age for my sport (powerlifting). I'm barely 30 which is so young but when the other girls are 20, it hits hard. Maybe part of it is the jealousy that they can recover like beasts (I'm up with the youngest alll night long! ). I hear you on the recovery - 14 months of colic (infant acid reflux disease) won't go down in vain, it was a great way to learn unconditional love to say the least Not to mention those lovely scissors come out as my linebackers had shoulder dystocia (both of them!).

    Thanks for this thread contribution all of you. It's given me a lot to think about. I think I'm going to change my general crowd instead of my body.
  • The irony is that those 20 year olds are probably saying about you, "Dang, I hope I look that good when I'm 30 and have had two kids!" Because most likely they won't!

    But for your head to be in a better place, hanging out and working out with more like-aged peers might help your self-confidence. There are tons of super fit 30 and 40 somethings too and you would be quite the inspiration!
  • If you can afford it, go for it.
    Cosmetic surgery is meant to help you feel better about your appearance, there's no shame in that.