The Official Tuesday Thread (Post Here)

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  • Sorry Kier and Lexxy, I just had no idea whose thread to post to, so I started my own and called it the official one.

    It's been really quiet here today, I'm thinking maybe nobody knew which thread to post to, so maybe people will post to my "Official" thread. Hehe.

    Now that I've started the thread, I'm going to post...
  • So, here I am, back to post... I've been kind of wondering, has anyone seen Mod Lori??? She hasn't been around and I'm kind of wondering about her.

    Not much happening here, getting ready to eat a little snack and go workout. which reminds me, I have some questions. There seems to be all these different stories about the best time to exercise, whether it's best to do it on an empty stomach, etc...

    So, what is your opinion? Is it best to exercise in the morning on an empty stomach? Should I eat before I go? What about when I go at lunchtime--should I eat my whole lunch or just have a snack?

    I'm haivng some major brain fuzz and probably am not very interesting to listen to. Maybe after I work out, I'll be more with it... Talk to you guys later!!
  • Ok so I have to admit I wasn't sure where to post and being my indecisive self I avoided it altogether I guess it doesn't take much to stump me

    Jess- I know the frustration of a busy bf. I hope things change soon. As far as eating before etc. I am not sure. I prefer exercising in the A.M. on an empty stomach but that is just a preference.

    Lexxy- Good morning to you. Glad you almost back on the wagon.

    Kieri- Don't be jealous it is not official yet and as I mentioned we are waffling a bit. Hamm radio convention sounds interesting. It is scary sometimes to get a picture of what our weight can potentially do to us. I read an article about knee injuries and they indicated that every pound = appx. 3pds of impact on our knees. They said that if you are 20 pds overweight your knees are bearing appx 70 pds of pressure. :YIKES: Very scary.

    Well ladies I am actually motivated to work today so I should get to it. Ooh actually I get to do lunch in 13 minutes and I am a hungry girl!!!

  • Good morning ladies

    Yesterday was a total failure on the watching-what-I-eat-front. I swear it's a war and I lost yesterday's battle. But I'm starting over today AGAIN...

    Jess -- I like to exercise right before supper. I can't exercise after a meal, I get sideaches then. But if I'm really hungry I'll grab a granola bar to tide me over until after working out.

    Kier -- that ham radio convention sounds like the perfect place for people-watching ... good luck on your interviews

    Hi lexxy & becky & everyone else

    got to get back to work...
  • Good mornin’ girls!

    Kier – I can so relate with the wake up calls – mine was the Roch voisine concert – never in my life have I seen SO MANY obese women. I just didn’t want to be in that category with them!

    Well, I had a good weekend! At my niece’s baptism, I got TONS of compliments. My sister’s mother in law said she thought I’d lost weight since Easter – so that was nice to hear. And b/f’s friends from the Maritimes were in – they live in BC now, all of them. One of them, b/f’s favorite friend, brought his g/f. And I really really liked her. She e-mailed me this morning to say thanks for hanging out with them. That was nice. We also bought new furniture that I LOVE and we saw the Matrix. So, a good, productive weekend!

    Lexxy – keep runnin’ girl! Get on the wagon!!

    Jess- I have to eat before I exercise, even a little snack, because otherwise I get hungry and run out of energy. I think it doesn’t really make a weight loss difference either. But you don’t want to eat a lot, or you’ll be sluggish. Why not snack first (ie; Banana, or one piece of toast and peanut butter) and then eat a little more when you are done (usually about one hour after your workout you’ll feel hungry again).

    Hey Becky! What’s not official?? Did I miss something??

    And to all who are going to post….good morning!!

    Well, back to work – lots to do…..
  • Hi gals! Today is a beautiful day here & I'm feeling super motivated. I managed to bank 4 points yesterday which seem like a miracle since all week I've been at the end of my range or over. I've got today all planned eating-wise so it should be good.

    Hi Jess, You should never exercise on a empty stomach. You need to have some nutrients to draw on for energy. Make sure you're not stuffed full though b/c that can make you feel ill as well.

    Becky, I can't believe you're gone for lunch! I've only been up two hours & isn't lunch for at least a couple hours.

    Angie, Today is a new day & you can keep on track. One day at a time right?

    Kier, sounds like you had an intersting trip! Hope you had a good time.

    Hi Lexxy! Hope you had a good day!

    Anyway I have stuff to do before I go to work so I'll catch you all later!
  • Hey Belle-we posted at the same time! Hope you have a great day!
  • Quick hello to everyone. I'm catching up after the long weekend.
    Becky - let us know if you guys decide to go with the house - and post pics!!
    Kier - Sounds like some of the Hammers are hiding behind their microphones. It's good to be able to get everyone out to meet and talk without mikes.
    Jess - I've always heard that your metabolism gets a boost so you should eat within and hour of exercising but it's never good to exercise on an empty stomach. Snack first.
    Hi Angie!
    Rina - Way to bank some points!
    Belle - Compliments are so great. What a difference in relatives from last weekend.
    OK, I have to get some stuff cleaned up here so I'll check back in later.
  • Wow didn't realize that you had to snack first before working out. Oops.

    HI Angie!

    Belle- It's not official whether or not we are buying the house.
    Sounds like a good wknd. I cannot wait to get some new furniture but one thing at a time. Tell us about it though. I will live vicariously through your purchase

    Rina- Banking pts, very impressive.

    KT- I will let you know. This waiting game is a killer. I am already picturing how I would decorate the house.

    Yay sister just called and I got the new issue of "Real Simple" magazine today!!!! I am so easily pleased! If you don't read this mag I highly recommend it. It is one of the few mags that I read cover to cover and save them. Ok just my little plug. I am sure I will be back. I am getting addicted to 3FC's again
  • Hmm just looked out my window.... So much for exercising on my break! It is a downpour outside. I hate when I procrastinate like this. I could have walked this a.m. Oh well you live and learn. Ooh maybe our electricity will go out at work I am such a slacker!
  • Hi girls!

    Not much new with me. I am slacking on the journalling, but did buy a pedometer online this morning, and a new Sony Walkman headset. I need something to get me motivated to walk!

    Becky ~ I hope the house works out. How exciting!

    Belle ~ That is great about the compliments, one compliment goes a long way!

    Angie ~ I am with you on the eating, let's get back on the wagon....

    Hi KT, Rina and Jess!

    I big "HI" to everyone else lurking!!

    Well, I am leaving work early today for DH and I to go get our new riding lawn mower, and to start planting some more grass seed. It will be some good exercise. I am also planning on going for a good 2 mile walk later.

    I am looking forward to the long weekend coming up. Starting this week, I don't work Fridays in the summer and we have Monday off for Memorial Day, so DH and I will be getting lots of house stuff done.

    Better get some work done....BBL.....
  • Wow, I am just the posting queen today. Well I have sad news. We are NOT getting the house. We did the inspection and the driveway is really bad and could cause leakage into the bsmt. I am bummed but what's good about it is that we will be able to save more money and we feel like we should take things a bit more slowly anyways. We really didn't plan to find a house within the first few weeks of looking anyways. Soooo that is the news. Had to fill you in. I have to admit though I feel a sense of relief so it must not have been "the One".

  • Hi gals! I have nothing much to say at the moment (my head is spinning because I'm working about a story about firefighter salaries and I'm dealing with numbers. I don't do numbers well.)

    Just wanted to say hi and say I hoped everyone is having a good day!
  • Becky - So a little sad news but now you get to have LOTS more fun looking!
    Hi Kim & Tonya!
    My evil headache still hasn't gone away. Tomorrow I'm brining my excedrin to work with me. Oh woe!
  • Hi Girls - busy @ work so haven't been around. No time to post to all.

    Becky - sorry this house didn't work out but one will soon.

    Someone asked about ModKitten - Lori - I just IM'd her. All is well she's just busy @ work.
