Kale Chips

  • How long do you do yours for? I made some for the first time today for about 7.5 minutes and they weren't QUITE crispy enough -- almost there, but not quite. Another minute or so would be good, would you think?
  • I always do mine for 9-11, I keep an eye on them constantly and will poke them My oven is older so it tends to cook things super fast.
  • I do mine for about 15 minutes, in the toaster oven. I like them crispy.
  • Love kale chips. I found they come out perfect on 300 degrees for 15min.
    I like to flip them half way through cooking. nice and crispy every time.
  • I haven't made this in a long time, but I'm pretty sure I usually did 11-14 minutes at 400*.
  • 400 is too high. they burn.
  • I do mine about 10-15 minutes. they're quite yummy.
  • Quote: 400 is too high. they burn.
    Oh, so that's why my kale chips always look like they've been through a forest fire...

    [smacking self on head]
  • They sound yummy. I've only bought them at Whole Foods or other. So what all do you put on them for flavor? Or do you leave them alone and bake them without anything?
  • Quote: They sound yummy. I've only bought them at Whole Foods or other. So what all do you put on them for flavor? Or do you leave bake them without anything?
    I like kale chips but I am a very lazy cook, so I don't end up getting around to making them. The only commercial kale chips I've seen were more coating than kale. Are there any nekkid (or mostly-nekkid) kale chips out there on the market?
  • Hi yoyo momma, I have tried Brad's Raw Kale chips from Whole Foods. They have a little coating but remain low calorie. These are good kale chips but I would like to try to make my own.
  • Thanks for the tip! I don't usually shop at WF, but I may make a special trip for those.
  • While I've been here in CA working, people I know call Whole Foods store "whole paycheck". Brad's kale chips are good but quite pricey.
  • HOMEMADE - 1 cup + garlic infused olive oil + little salt in the oven at 350 for 10 minutes. No difference at 375 for ten minutes. OMG, so good!

    STORE BOUGHT - I like Rhythm and Sprouts versions. Brad's kale chips are too bitter for my taste. I sprinkle leftover kale crumbles on pasta, especially store bought frozen mac & cheese. YUMMY!