Significant weight loss w/Zumba?

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  • Have you seen a significant weight loss w Zumba? If so how often did you do it? I am about to start Zumba 3x/week--just want to know if it's a good use of my very limited time?

  • Anything that makes you sweat, gets your heart rate up, that you do consistently, and last but most importantly, that you enjoy is good! Have fun!

    Good luck let us know how you like it...
  • I think you'll need to evaluate after you take a class or two! For me it didn't do much, although it was really enjoyable. I think because I was a dancer for a very long time I didn't find it challenging enough (and perhaps the instructor wasn't working us to the best of our abilities)... In that respect, everyone and every class is different. But like Ilene said, if it gets your heart rate up and you like it, then go for it!!! Any movement at all, if you can keep up with it, is good for you! I hope you have fun!!!
  • My condo is about to start offering complimentary hot yoga and Zumba classes & I'm really excited to use them both. I don't plan on making them my only form of exercise, (mostly because I'll be a beginner to both) but I'm really hoping to use them to suppliment what I'm already doing.

    I will let you know how it goes!
  • I think it all depends. I did a "piloxing" class a couple weeks back and I didn't feel like I worked as hard as if I was in a gym. It could of been that it was new to me and I was trying to get my coordination to go with everything. My friend does Zumba about 3x a week and she said that she didn't see any significant weight loss but she did tone up a lot.
  • I tried Zumba but I found that I spent so much effort trying to keep up with the steps that I didn't get a really serious cardio work out. It was fun though. I do like to dance
  • I loved Zumba. I only did it a few weeks last year because I have feet issues and it was rough on them. It took me a bit to be able to coordinate lol. I have just dance for the wii so I stick to that for a little dancing workout lol
  • I think Zumba is a great program but like someoen else mentioned, every class is different. Some instructors give a more challenging class than others. Many have had weight loss with zumba, it is basically cardio. As time goes on though you may feel that you need something "more".
  • Zumba is an excellent way to get into shape and lose weight. You don't get much from the first few sessions because there is a lot of learning involved in the dance routines, but once you get the hang of them you'll find it very rewarding!
  • If you do the moves correctly, it kills! my instructor is a dancer too and im not, so she makes it more dancey and i love it.
  • love zumba
    zumba is my happy place!
  • I find it more fun than a great workout; I work a lot harder when I do spin class or jog. However, I think some of that is because, when I am not very familiar with all the moves, I tend to tone it down to learn the steps and to not hurt myself. I do hate when the instructors say we burned 700-900 calories because that is not true for me (I burn about 425, my heart rate monitor says). But definitely give it a try....I think it does lead to some weight loss when paired with a good diet!
  • I love love Zumba. I started doing it up to 5 times a week when I was really out of shape. Now I do Zumba twice a week and have added Kickboxing, Spin, and strength training classes. Zumba is still the most fun but not the most strenous. Once you get in shape, I agree that it might not be "enough" cardio. It really does depend on the instructor.
  • Hey ladies (and gents too) -- CNN just did an article this week about how a woman lost 125lbs doing Zumba.
  • Quote: Hey ladies (and gents too) -- CNN just did an article this week about how a woman lost 125lbs doing Zumba.
    that is a great story...thanks for sharing!

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