Terrific Tuesday Beach Chat 2/26

  • Good morning hoping the title of the thread is true. Each day it gets a little more challenging when the alarm goes off at 3:45, but here I am First mug gone, but need more lol

    Super busy day yesterday. Did something I had not done in years, run! It was nothing "serious" at work, but I don't like running in uniform as it is quite cumbersome. I was proud that I was not the slightest but winded. Thank you SB and cycling!

    CyndiM hope the numbers are good from the concert.

    Have a great day, sorry train is coming no time for personals, but will read the thread later
  • I'm still working on my first cuppa.

    I had a long day yesterday and today will be another one. Thank goodness I enjoy my job! At least the rain is holding off until later so the foxhunt is still on, and I'll have a few hours to myself this afternoon.

    Have a great Tuesday, everyone!
  • Good morning. No gym this morning so I managed to sleep until after 6. Coffee is very much needed.

    Two very furry dogs go to the groomer today for trims. They love it at Susie's house as she has three kids, two dogs and a very friendly Maine Coon cat. While my darlings are being perfected, I'll carry on into town for some odds and ends including some Spring flowers. I'm craving!

    Hope your Tuesday IS terrific!
  • Good Morning

    I stayed up watching basketball last night then didn't set the alarm early enough. I've lots to do...starting with coffee!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Good morning chickies! You sure are up and at 'em this am. Jennifer must've made a strong pot of coffee .

    Jennifer, yeah for the run!! I know the cycling seems to have helped my running, esp. on hills. Two days left?

    Cottage - hope your day goes quickly and the week is a downhill ride from here . Love your crocus, btw .

    Ruth - I bet the children will be beautiful tonight! I've always said if I ever spent money for a cat, it would be on a Maine Coon. I would swear that our newer cat (the Walter!) is part Maine Coon. He hit a button (again) on the stove. How does he do that?

    Debbie - glad you popped in this AM!

    For me - yesterday was great. I got A LOT of things done...errands, a run in the GORGEOUS day (spring teaser day!), took the kids to the local marsh boardwalk to enjoy, etc. etc. Today is just one looong day at work. Nothing exciting! I am starting up a pot of chili though, so DH won't have to cook tonight (honestly, he won't cook vegetables. At all.)

    Hope you have a great day!
  • Good morning Today was a 6 am day, that always feels so much better than 5:30. Heading into town to work and to drop my taxes off. They will be a major PIA this year with all the married/not married stuff we usually deal with plus the estate pieces. Julie usually did them and I've decided to just have someone else do them this time. Luckily it's my brothers last week working at corporate for one of the big tax companies so it looks like it won't cost me anything to get them done.

    I am watching the weather and hoping we avoid the big storm tomorrow. I've got a couple of different things I really need to do, both a fair distance from home and until 9 pm. Not much I can do but wait and see.

    I was looking through some old facebook pictures and realized I really need to get serious about my weight. I've said it before but haven't really taken it seriously. This month I added back exercise but then hurt my arm. I've stopped the off plan food but have gotten into a habit of constant nibbling. Well today it all stops. Yesterday for the first time in months I honestly tracked food and calories and it wasn't pretty. So I'm off to update my ticker once again and I am determined to fit into my summer clothes when it's time to get them out (so no early spring!). First stop, plan food for the day.
  • Good morning,

    It's a rainy day here but I will take that instead of the snow/ice they are getting about 30 miles west of here.

    Jennifer- Yeah for not getting winded, it feels great doesn't it.

    Cottage- I hope you get the afternoon to yourself you need it.

    Ruth- enjoy your day

    Debbie- Hope you get everything done today

    Twynn- Sounds like you have had a nice day yesterday

    Cyndi- I checked my tax refund and it looks like it will be deposited tomorrow into my bank I still have to do everyone's state taxes but I wait til it gets closer since no one gets money back and I have to do mine by hand since I refuse to pay when I am not getting anything back and Turbo tax does not seem to know how to handle when you have to file in more than 1 state. The one time I used them, I got audited by the state I live in, so since I just do by hand and no problems. I do use them for the state I work in since I have to file that 1 first anyways.

    Still being doing good food wise but scale is stuck again, the woes of pre menopause I believe.

    Have a great day everyone and stay safe if you are in the path of the storm system i.e. Karen for sure
  • Hello everyone! I've been up since seven getting kids to school and running errands (some I didn't have planned...like getting a flat tire fixed). I only just now sat down for breakfast, and it's lunch time!

    It's such a gloomy day here it's mighty tempting to go to sleep, but I've decided on a 30 minute workout instead. No coffee for me. I'm 5 days caffeine FREE!

    Have a great day everyone!
  • Welcome Mommy42Angels!!! Love your mini goal. We all need to celebrate the little goals along the way

    So here it is 7:06 pm and I am standing in the vestibule of an extremely packed train. I feel like I am on the subway lol. Work was the complete opposite today. No complaints from me. Finally was able to get to Queens for my vest fitting. Really sweet man retired cop, married to the same woman for 47 years and still going strong. Love meeting people like that. Kind of scary though my current vest is two inches too short in the front and even more so in the back. Plus I am too exposed around my collar bone. Last time I checked I've been this height since I was 10. Hopefully it will be here in a month.

    Three down one to go before my rest days. Looking forward to dinner with girlfriends from college Saturday. We are going to the Cheesecake Factory. Yes I am planning on not sharing my favorite Adam's Rush peanut butter cheesecake. I bet it is SB friendly lol (a girl can dream can't she)

    Glad to read everyone is having a good week.