Are you an apple, banana or a pear?

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  • Curiosity drove me to find out what shape I was, since I didn't think I fit the apple-inverted triangle shape any more. I searched body shape calculators and got some different info from various ones but mainly I am straight. One actually said I had an hour glass shape, yeah right.

    Now I guess I went from apple to banana. Starting to get a craving for fruit, odd.
    I used to be an oval at my heaviest, and an apple most of my life. Now I am straight like a banana. Always dreamed about being an hourglass but with my broad shoulders that won't happen. I am learning to embrace my new shape, even if it resembles a banana. My measurements are 36,28,36
    What shape are you? What shapes have you morphed from? What shape would you be happy with?

    Straight body type the banana
    The bust and hips are basically the same size. The waist is slightly smaller than the bust and hips.

    Pear Body Type
    The hips are larger than the bust, and the waist gradually slopes out to the hips.

    Spoon Body Type
    The hips are larger than the bust and the hips have a"shelf" appearance. The waist is slightly smaller than the bust.

    Hourglass Body Type
    The bust and hips are basically the same size and your waist is well defined.

    Top Hourglass Body Type
    The bust is larger than the hips and the waist is well defined.

    Inverted Triangle Body Type the apple
    The bust is large, the hips are narrow and the waist is not very well defined.

    Oval Body Type
    The waist is larger than the bust and hips. The hips are narrow compared to the shoulders. Breasts are ample in size.

    Diamond Body Type
    The waist is larger than the bust and hips. The shoulders are narrow compared to the hips. Breasts are small to medium in size.

    I enjoy that in my thirties I am embracing my shape, although I would love to have a much smaller waist I accept what I have and am learning to love my body!
  • I'm a rather large hourglass. working my way to a skinny coke bottle
  • I like the body shapes from here

    And a little flow chart to help you identify which one you are

    I'm a goblet. I think seeing the photos in the first link are really interesting to see the differences.
  • Great links April Snow... Seems I still am an hour glass, though on some other calculators, I'm called straight.

    Wayyyyy back in the day, my measurements were 35-24-36, but that was pre-kids, pre-weight gain, pre-fitness and pre-done growing! Then I started to gain weight and I have no idea what they were until I tried to lose weight.

    Now the best I have gotten at 165 was 39-30.5-40. WAY less of a waist definition, but I am 43 and I am in peri-menopause (I think - could be thyroid issues too). I happen to have my HS color guard skirt. It was TIGHT, TIGHT, TIGHT in HS as I needed to give the slightly roomier one to another girl, so I was never able to do the hook in the back, but I could zip it up. This past summer, despite being 10 pounds lighter than I was in HS and WAY fitter, I couldn't even zip it up as my waist is so much bigger!
  • Quote: Great links April Snow... Seems I still am an hour glass, though on some other calculators, I'm called straight.

    Wayyyyy back in the day, my measurements were 35-24-36, but that was pre-kids, pre-weight gain, pre-fitness and pre-done growing! Then I started to gain weight and I have no idea what they were until I tried to lose weight.

    Now the best I have gotten at 165 was 39-30.5-40. WAY less of a waist definition, but I am 43 and I am in peri-menopause (I think - could be thyroid issues too). I happen to have my HS color guard skirt. It was TIGHT, TIGHT, TIGHT in HS as I needed to give the slightly roomier one to another girl, so I was never able to do the hook in the back, but I could zip it up. This past summer, despite being 10 pounds lighter than I was in HS and WAY fitter, I couldn't even zip it up as my waist is so much bigger!
    That almost 10 inch difference I think puts u in that hourglass figure. I wish I could spot reduce, but everything my waist loses an inch do do my hips and breast. But I don't think I ever exceeded a 28 inch waist except for when I was 100 lbs, not really by choice, working at ups had kicked my butt at that time.
  • I'm an hourglass
    Or possibly a vase according to the dailymail article.
  • Hourglass. My MIL, god rest her soul, used to tell me that all the time when I lost weight once before.

    I'm perfectly fine being a skinny hourglass when I get there
  • I get really confused with this. It's easier to identify your shape when you're thin. I think I'm a large banana.

    According to the Daily Mail, I guess I'm an hourglass/cello. The quizz tells me I'm a cello too.

    With the westfield body shape calculator I'm an hourglass. With the shopeyourshape calculator I'm a banana (straight)
  • Definately a pear. I am of normal weight from the waist up, but my hips and legs look like they belong on an entirely different body. Inagine a size medium shirt paired with a size 16 pants. SO hard to buy clothes!
  • I'm either an hourglass or a cello or a pear.

    I'm a pear.

  • I'm a pear. Can someone please make Williams out of me? Only thing pears are good for. Harumpf.
  • Hourglass or cello, here and very, very happy with that!!!
  • I'm a banana, albeit a big one. 48-45-48
  • Idk, I qualify for a few.

    I'd say banana because my waist is only about 6 inches less than my hips. But all my extra fat is in my love handle and belly button area, so kind of an apple. But I don't have slender legs, I have thicker thighs, so maybe I'm more of a brick. I have a short waist and longer legs in proportion. I'm definitely not top heavy, just a C cup. So column? Skittle? Cornet?

    I don't know. I guess it doesn't really matter, maybe I'm super special!
  • My measurements are 30-23.5-33.5 but my hips are not wide, the bones are close together. My thighs are probably almost 20 inches.