Fighting with motivation

  • My eating has been all over the place lately. I know my motivation goes in waves but the up waves have been much shorter than the down waves for the past month. I suppose there is nothing I can do but just push through but would appreciate your thoughts. I am a calorie counter and usually only walk to exercise. Recently though I pvred a low impact video and enjoyed it. I recorded a few more. I try to delay my snacking so I don't have to say "I'm not eating for the rest of the day." cuz that really makes me feel deprived. Right now I am really craving something but am drinking white tea on the heels of the green tea I just had. It just really feels like a struggle right now.
  • if there's one thing I've learned its that this journey isn't about motivation, its about commitment.
    We all have days that suck, been there done that.
    Just stay on plan, keep up the good progress you've attained, and success will be yours!

    Good luck!
  • Quote: if there's one thing I've learned its that this journey isn't about motivation, its about commitment.
    Wow like that a lot. I may quote you in the future!
  • Quote: if there's one thing I've learned its that this journey isn't about motivation, its about commitment.
    We all have days that suck, been there done that.
    Just stay on plan, keep up the good progress you've attained, and success will be yours!

    Good luck!

  • Quote: if there's one thing I've learned its that this journey isn't about motivation, its about commitment.
    We all have days that suck, been there done that.
    Just stay on plan, keep up the good progress you've attained, and success will be yours!

    Good luck!
    I love this. I wrote it on an index card and taped next to my mirror. Thank you!
  • Great job just pushing through it, sometimes I feel like I push through it everyday.
  • Commitment, not motivation - that's just what I needed to hear!
  • I love that quote too! No quick fix here. Each day, each meal, each snack I can make a choice. I am not perfect and trying to be makes me crazy sometimes. I make and re-make a commitment to be healthy. The trick is to never give up on ourselves.
    commitment+a buddy= success
    motivation-losing motivation=feeling defeated
  • Well said, Mozzy. Motivation comes and goes; you cannot rely on it. What pushes you forward is your commitment to this new lifestyle.
  • Well let me tell you first that commitment is one of the keys to success and goes hand in hand with improving the self.
  • Quote: if there's one thing I've learned its that this journey isn't about motivation, its about commitment.
    We all have days that suck, been there done that.
    Just stay on plan, keep up the good progress you've attained, and success will be yours!

    Good luck!
    Well said! Motivation will leave us hanging and go byebye just when we need it most. Commitment is what it takes.
  • Mozzy speaks the truth!

    And if you WANT the motivation back (no doubt!) I'd take the "distract yourself" route. I always tend to power through all my motivation reserves when I have my weight-loss-obsessed head on, and lose perspective. Stick to your plan, yes, but go have a bath, watch a movie, meet a friend, do your nails, read a (non-diet!) book, play a videogame, see a band, go for a (non-exercise!) walk, take photos, google random nonsense, go on Facebook, get a good sleep... ANYTHING to take your mind off the "omg diet diet diet" thing.

    It can seriously help to renew your mental energy.
  • I'm glad I was able to help :-)