seeking HELP and insight with insulin resistance - depressed

  • Hi everyone, I am new to this forum and Im reaching out for help and insight. My problems began two years ago when I thought I had hormonal imbalance -salvia test confirmed this. I was always the type of girl that could go hours witjout eating and could drop weight easily and gain it back just as quickly. Last year a whole new set of symptoms started. My friend was type 1 diabetic and i started experiencing hypoglycemic episodes, weight piling on, fatigue, constant hunger, dizzy etc etc. After 6 months of convincing my doc something was wrong he ran blood work - showing subclinical hypothyroidism (on synghroid for this) through the roof fasting insulin levels but normal fasting blood glucose and A1C and high cortisol. I continued to gain weight (heaviest I have ever been). For the past 7 months I have followed a diligent clean diet..cut out anything white, grains and only eat veggies and protein. I started exercising but the weight is NOT budging. everyday i battle hypoglycemia feelings despite eating every 2-3 hours. this is draining the life out of me..i rarely leave my house because of fear of hypoglycemia feelings..i carry juice everywhere i go. how do i change this? is it my diet? im so frustrated and dont know what else to do, its impacted every area of my life. please help me with insight, why cant i lose weight keeping me in this cycle and why do i feel hypoglycemic all the time? thk you
  • My doctor told me I am now insulin resistant from years of eating too many refined carbs and sweets. However, I am hesitant to offer you any advice because you are taking medication and it sounds as though you have some significant health issues that need to be taken into consideration. My only suggestion would be to ask your doctor for a referral to a nutritionist who specializes in advising people with your type of situation. Since you had to convince your doctor that something was wrong, you might also be able to find recommendations from groups providing support for things like diabetes (I know you're not there, but you'll probably find that the diet recommendations have a lot in common). Good luck. It is hard to work at losing weight when your body is fighting you.
  • If you are insulin resistant, you should not be drinking juice. People with insulin resistance are very sensitive to is one of the worst things for you. Instead of having something sugary that is going to temporarily spike your blood sugar back up, you need to eat protein. Protein with every single snack and meal if you can. Eat every 2-3 hours if possible...I started eating breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and rarely feel like I have low blood sugar anymore.