
  • So I've been on my journey and have been staying OP (plus or minus 50 calories) for 3 weeks now. We do a lot of walking on the weekend, and I began making a point of it last weekend on both days.

    My problem is the weekdays. I can't fit it in during the week, unless I walk in the dark... do any of you make this choice, to walk in the dark? I live in a good neighborhood, but still leery, unless I invest in some mace, just in case.

    What exercise do you all do? I'm looking for alternative ideas. Do you have gym equipment in your home? Do you do workout videos (what kind?)? Do you have exercise balls, resistance bands? What's your go-to at home-- when it's cold or raining out?

    I want to invest in a treadmill or elliptical machine, but it's just not affordable at the moment. Won't be until maybe summer... I used to have a Tony Little Gazelle (it was the nicer one, with the better weight limit). Wish I still had it!
  • I have a treadmill at home. It is not one with bells and whistles, and only goes up to 4 mph. However, it was less than $400 including delivery, and I put it together buy myself. (Which was tough.) For me, it was the best thing ever. When I got off the Gazelle, I always felt stiff-kneed.

    (Incidentally, I gave my Gazelle to Goodwill. You might check there sometimes to see if they have anything like it!)

    I love the treadmill. I walk on it 30 minutes every morning. Then, in the evenings I am doing rotations of exercises from Gilad's express workouts. One day, I do the warm-up, buns and thighs, hips and thighs, back, cooldown. The next day, I do the warm-up, chest, shoulders, arms, and cooldown. Each of these rotations is about 40 minutes, but each SECTION is under 10 minutes. Oh, and a number of his exercises have you on your knees. I feel I am too heavy to spend extended amounts of time on my knees, so I adapt those, though I am incorporating some of them more.

    Thus far (this new routine started this month), I really like it.

    I have some other exercise videos that I like, including Richard Simmons' Sweatin' to the Oldies, and Cardio Hula and a few others, which I will rotate in, but right now I'm working to get the routine down.

    PS - hah, gym equipment. I have weights that I use with the Gilad videos. I weighed them and they are like, 2.8 lbs. I am going to get some lighter weights as right now I have trouble completing all of the reps he does, especially for the shoulders and arms.

    I also some some sort of resistance band/bar combination thing on TV last night that I thought I might like to try.

    Maybe you could try Leslie Sansone's walking fitness videos? Those have been recommended to me but I have not tried them yet. They would be great, though, until you can afford a treadmill. Or maybe they would obviate the need for the treadmill!

    Me: I DVR The Daily Show with Jon Stewart and watch every morning while walking on the treadmill. Makes me happy while I exercise, and I laugh to boot.
  • I bought a cheap elliptical off Kijiji. It needs a bolt to be fully functional, but for 50 bucks plus a bolt, not a bad deal. Its in my basement and I am HOPING to be able to stick with it everyday. I have also acquired a bunch of biggest loser videos. I gave the 30 day jump start a try and was very pleased with the simplicity of the moves. I managed to make it through all 10 minutes and didn't die, so I thought that was a success. On a whim once I bought some exercise kit with some resistance bands but the lowest was wayy to much for my weak little arms! I will work up to that.

    The only time I am willing to work out at home is when there is no one else home. And for me that is an hour window from the time I get home until the time my BF gets home! See if you kind find cheap used equipment on craigslist or whatever and try them out and see if you will actually use them before spending the big money!
  • I've heard that people have found really great buys on exercise equipment like treadmills on Craigslist... so that might be something worth checking out...

    Do you have anyone that you can walk with when it's dark? I actually run in Central Park after dark this time of year because of my schedule, but I usually do it with a group of friends from my running club and I always feel pretty safe...

    I don't really like working out at home, but I do have a treadmill and other various exercise equipment that I use when I can't get out for whatever reason... and as far as exercise DVDs go... I know a lot of people swear by them, but I get bored with them pretty quickly... so I just do my own thing like some simple yoga or Pilates mat work and then I feel like at least I did "something" if you know what I mean...
  • Doing online videos like Leslie Sansone will allow you to walk safely inside and warm! I thought they were going to be videos for old ladies but I kind of like them! They are easy to follow, get your heart rate up, and can be done in 15, 30, 45 min. increments.

    I live in a neighborhood I could (and have) walked at night but it's just so cold and dark, it's actually kind of spooky. I feel like I can't get a good walk in as I am always looking over my shoulder in case someone is there. (Who would be there!? No one!) But still, no music or hood for me so I can watch everything! It ends up not being very productive at all.

    I have a treadmill too but I get so bored on it sometimes. But while I am on it, I listen to good music or watch tv on my tablet and just pray that spring gets here quick!!
  • All good ideas. My sister in law got an elliptical for five bucks at a garage sale.

    I have some free weights, a set of kettlebells and resistance bands at home. I pull up YouTube videos on my tv like beginner kettlebells or powerlifting and do them on days I don't get to the pool.
  • Thanks for all the lovely ideas! Walking at night creeps me out a little. I have 3 dogs, but they're all fairly old (13+ years) and the youngest has hip problems and the pavement just exacerbates his pain, but I'm considering breaking in one slowly to walking out with me in the evenings. And getting mace.

    I'd love to walk with someone in the evenings, but we just moved in a few months ago, and all the moms seem to be hidden away behind lock and key. I'd take my BF, but he will be watching our little one while I'm out on the sidewalks.

    I've been keeping my eye on craigslist. I have been looking up the stuff they are selling and then google it to see if it's something I'm interested in and also make sure the weight limit is not 250!!

    Jane-- I was wondering if there were some YouTube videos out there! Netflix used to keep some videos on there, and my girls and I have done them in the living room together. I quit Netflix for a year, come back to it last week and sign up again, and there's no fitness videos anymore! Do you like the kettleballs? I'm afraid I'll chuck one through the sheetrock.
  • Hi KerriLeah,

    I hope you don't mind me butting in as I don't really belong here but I saw the title I use Lauren Brook's Ultimate Sculpt kettlebell DVD a few times a week - it has two workouts, one is 40 minutes, the other is 12 minutes. I also have (2) young kid/baby and the 12 minute workout helps on those days where you just can't get a break from the kids. All you need is a kettlebell
  • I love the kettlebells. They're the best core workout I get because my gut gets in the way of everything else.

    I started with the fitness blender beginner workout. A huge part of it is control and form, so not only do you not throw anything through a window, you don't hurt yourself.
  • I'm extremely afraid I might throw them out the window! They have that great handle and all! I'm finally going to be able to get my tredmill in a couple of weeks, and I'm excited for that!

    I love lifting weights. My boyfriend and I are trying to get a little home gym put together. I've seen a BUNCH of Bowflex machines on Craigslist (I'm not sure if that's good or bad!). Anyone ever use this machine? I haven't, but I love the idea of it more than free weights.

    I know free weights are preached by all to be fantastic, but I also like the control of a machine over my movements. It makes me feel like I keep proper form more often this way, especially when you do a move or lift a weight to exhaustion. Safer in a way.