Daily Thread (Simply Filling/Core) December 15-31

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  • New Pages.

    Holding you all close in my heart as we process this recent horror.
  • Good morning everyone.

    I could not even watch the news yesterday. I have it on now.

    Tell everyone you love that you do! I'll start with you all... I love you.
  • Good Morning Chicks!

    Couldn't watch the news yesterday. Every time I did, I cried. I'm not a Mother but I am a friend, Sister, Aunt, Great Aunt and I know how destroyed I would be to lose a child or a friend in any way...certainly not in this senseless way. Life is so fragile and short.

    Rhonda, I love you too and the rest of my Chicks here. My Dad used to hate eulogies because he said people should tell each other how they feel about each other while they are alive. So Rhonda....good for you!

    I'm going to be with my family tonight at a birthday party. I'll be holding those hugs just a little extra bit longer than normal.
  • I love you all, too. We tried not to watch the news yesterday also. So heartbreaking. So senseless.

    The grands and I are going Christmas shopping today. I am so blessed to have them nearby. I missed them when we lived in Montana.
  • I did a little Christmas shopping today but with a heavy heart. Like most have said on tv, there are no words! I love you guys!!!!
  • Took our 9 yo Christmas shopping today. Let her choose where to have lunch. She chose Spring Creek BBQ. Now is this a little Texas lady or what?
  • hi chickies. I love all of you too. What a tragedy. I haven't watched today, but did yesterday and didn't sleep well at all. My heart is heavy. I have a great granddaughter that age and I can not imagine losing her.

    Things have been crazy here. I'm so behind in what is going on with everyone.

    On a happy note, my great grand won 3rd place in Martin Luther King Jr visual art contest. She placed 3rd in the state out of all the elementary schools. She will receive a plaque and recognition. I'm so proud of her She is only 5. She did a watercolor of 2 little girls, holding hands. One girl is black and the other white.

    I can't wait for my daughter to come for Christmas. I miss her and need a haircut really bad. I am holding off, since she is coming soon. Otherwise I would have gone to the salon in town.
  • Trying to upload wedding cake pics. Hope you can see them!

  • Pam, congratulations to your grand. What an honor! What an accomplishment! You must be bustin' buttons.

    Sloan, I see the cake! Looks delicious. Thanks for sharing.

    I have been Christmas shopping both days this weekend with the grands. It's been a WONDERFUL WEEKEND! I am smiling ear to ear.
  • sloan, cake is beautiful.

    Sandra, sounds like you had a lot of fun. Nothing like being with the grandkids to put a smile on your face.

    I'm going shopping with my sis today. She needs to get a few gifts and I'm looking for things for my bedroom in KY. I got a wonderful area rug on black friday online (75% off) and have the comforter, so looking for some fabric for a bench I have at the end of the bed. I need new rugs and towels for my bathroom too. I want to make an upholstered headboard too. But that will have to wait until I get back to KY in the Spring.

    Have a great day
  • Hi Ladies

    Sorry for being MIA again. Since changing the clocks back and the days are getting shorter I seems like I have so much to do I really don't have time for the computer.

    I spent most of my time getting gifts & for my grandchildren and family. Now that 's done I now have to get ready for the trip down to NY. Got my tickets and the only thing I have to get a taxi ride to the bus depot. I leave this Sunday.

    I'm also at the church every day, for Advent Mass and than for the Rosary, going out to lunch with Alice on Tues,Two rosarian friends on Wed,Rita on Thursday & Mary on Fri. I can't imagine what the scale is going to look like on Saturday.

    I'm going to meet my new doctor on Friday morning for my 6 month blood test for my Cholesterol and my A1C. My original doctor is now going to be the union moderator for the nurses in the hospital,and will give up his practice some time in 2013.

    I saw some of your comments about the tragedy in CT. Its was very upsetting to all here. I watched it for two day SAT and SUN but I just couldn't watch it anymore. Can't think a small quite town had such a tragedy. Now I don't feel safe anymore in a small town or large city. Its all the same as EVIL is all around us. Its time to go back to the Lord.

    Have to go,will try to get back before I leave this Sunday 12/23.
  • Sloan, those are beautiful cakes---and Pam, congrats to your g-grandchild!

    I procrastinated about getting a tree and found one for $5.00! It's about 5 feet tall and a little scraggly, but really just fine. Tonight we will decorate it.

    I am worn out from my friend's visit. She can really shop! And, me? I can take it or leave it. But, I'm glad she's having fun. Her hip is really bothering her though and I think she might be out for the count. She leaves on Wednesday.

    I did buy some new sheers for the bedroom and now have to get rods and hardware--there are only blinds there now.

    My house will not be clean for Christmas, but that's OK--we are not having anyone here.
  • This is the first year that I will not put up a tree! We are leaving on the 22nd for Oklahoma to visit dd and her hubby. Since we will be staying until after Christmas, I don't see the point in pulling all of the Christmas decor out. We are very excited about our visit! Maybe next summer I will get back to OKC and try to hook up with my Texas chick friends!!
  • Wonderful weekend in Boone, NC at my son's college graduation .
    Today I finished shopping and tomorrow night we are doing our family
    Christmas dinner & gifts. After that the boys leave for Africa & I will
    have time to rest & then head to Ga for Christmas week with my brother's

    My house isn't clean either but clean enough..

    After Wed I plan to get strict about my diet & exercise..

    I put up a small tree( 4ft) and my 6'4" son just said it's the first time he has had a tree shorter than him..next year I may have to go back big...
  • Good morning. I am through subbing till next year. (That just means till January.)
    I am making us a good CORE lunch. Later today we're having a small birthday party at my son's for 10 yo Alexa.

    My brother is having vascular bypass surgery on his right leg Friday in an attempt to save his right let. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers.

    Sloan and Rhonda, if you two meet somewhere, please let me know and I'll try to drive up and join you. I think I can do that if all is going well with my brother. I'd like to see you two.

    We aren't putting up a tree either. We do have the spirit, though. We're just going to enjoy others' trees, especially the ones at my son's. (Am I getting old or lazy or both?)

    Nancy, I am trying to eat CORE most of the time. I quit WW last week, so I'm trying to be extra careful. So far so good.

    Maryann, have a fun, safe trip. Sounds like you're prepared.