Monday Beach Chat for 12/10

  • Coffee, anyone?

    Another gray, foggy, rainy day is upon us and all I want is to crawl back under the covers and sleep the day away.
  • I'm with
  • Good morning, Linda, and thanks for starting us up.

    We had snow followed by freezing rain overnight although it's now just rain. The local folk who have to go to work have been driving down the road quite normally so I guess the driving is OK for going to the gym.

    Gym first, coffee with Donna and then home just to leave again. I am looking for one final thing to put in the parcel for my daughter - gotta mail it today or tomorrow and will need to pay big bucks to get it there on time. Our Canadian postal rates are very high. I must check out Fed-Ex and Purolator.

    Enjoyed my cooking class yesterday although really did not learn much new. Harry used to cook Italian a lot - he was Welsh - go figure. For some reason, I was pretty wiped out after the course and did not get to my planned cooking and wrapping last night. It'll be overdrive this week.

    If you celebrate Hanukkah, let me wish you a happy third day.

    Need to whip together a smoothie and be on my way. See y'all later.

    at Twynn + !
  • Good morning.

    I'm off to the gym with my mom and trainer. We are going an hour earlier today (since my mom has an appointment later) so I really need to watch the time to get breakfast in and then myself out of the house. Errands later. I had a lazy weekend, reading Unbroken. It was a good book, made even more interesting by the fact that the main character was in the same fraternity (same school, same house) as my younger son. I bought the book for my husband years back when it came out but never read it. I recommend it.

    Have a great day.
  • Good morning.

    Linda another dreary day here too, probably why I slept in lol

    Tammy good morning hope your day isn't too hectic

    Ruth glad you enjoyed the class. Sorry about the postal rates. We are fortunate as it is still reasonable here.

    Karen glad you enjoyed your book. I just finished The Bend in the Road by Nicholas Sparks. I really enjoy his stories. Maybe because I am a helpless romantic sap

    Had fun with the sisters yesterday. Today I will stay home, work out, write the cards before I go to my meeting tonight. I am excited, but nervous too. May wil be here soon and I have no choice, but to be ready.

    Otherwise a lazy kinda day. Enjoy
  • Good morning fly-by I am running late as usual Just two more weeks until vacation and I can't wait!

    Spent a lovely and successful weekend with DD. Even managed to eat on plan most of the time

    Hope your Monday is quick and painless.

  • Cyndi DD looks beautiful!!! So happy you had a great time
  • Good morning,

    Ruth hope you get to the gym with no problems

    Cottage it is cold here this morning and dreary as well

    Twynn enjoy your day

    Karen I also read a couple of books this weekend, I am in a reading mode right now added quite a few books to kindle

    Jennifer glad you enjoyed your time with your sisters, my are spread to far apart to be able to just hang out

    Cyndi your DD looks beautiful and happy.

    I got almost all of my Christmas cards done, just ran out of them and postage so need to get more to finish up but was glad to get most of them completed and mailed

    DD2 had a blast with her party and her friends so it was a success.

    Have a great day everyone
  • Good evening, ladies, just dropping in to say hello. Hope everybody is doing well. Crap day here...close friend's grandmother passed away, overdrew my bank account by $1.68, the man is in a pissy mood and turning it around on me saying that I'm the one being pissy, and the AC is broken at work. Thankfully it's cooling down outside, though. *sigh*

    Lunch break in 27 minutes...I'm glad, too, b/c I'm starving, LOL