#284 Bale of Turtles Preparing for the Best Days!

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  • We are the Turtle Group here at www.3fatchicks.com. We welcome you to join us as we work toward good health and fitness in a persistent manner. As our inspiration, we use the race between the turtle and the hare where the turtle was the victor because he didn't give up. We believe in keepin' on by using the skills and techniques we have learned from expeience to keep us on track. We believe in giving each other suppport. Good luck to us all!
    (for Lin and Lauren)
  • Hi Turtles,
    I've started this new thread since we had gotten long. Please go back to #283 because our newest member, Big Momma, wrote her story.

    Today is going to be a good day for me. I can feel it and I want to make it so. : to all.
    234.6/197/thinner and to goal in 2013!!!
  • Hello Turtles,

    Love the Christmas baking advice Judy...I am going to try that this year. I am sad to say that sugar cookies are my downfall...that and turtles (how ironic!).

    My daughter was up all night with the flu so I am a little tired this morning. I bleached and cleaned everything...waiting for my son to get sick...

    Bandit2, I live in north eastern Alberta...smack dab in oil country. It is -30 *C today and looks like we will get a white Christmas this year!

    Off to make lunch! Take care.
  • Got a lot done today and am looking forward to a relaxing afternoon. Still lots to do, but when I did a huge grocery shopping, I picked up a WW froz. lunch for 5 points plus to eat and threw it in the microwave while I put away the groceries. It was good and now I'm going to track. I'm working this program really hard since I am not loving my silhouette.

    Have a great day.
    Big Momma, sorry your daughter was sick. Hope bleaching away the germs helps your son and rest of family to stay well!!!!

    everybody have a great day and chime in when you can. Tricky time of year and yet Bandit is already losing weight during this month. I have done well in years past too during December. Go figure! While shopping I walked extra fast in the market and made believe I was getting some Lol.

    Okay, have an OP day!
  • Hey All!
    And welcome BigMomma!!!!
    Figured you must be Canadian by your Location, Bandit and I live in Ontario, the other gals in the US. Your story belongs to most of us!!! My son was home sick last week for 2 days, freezing rain here today so not sure yet about school again today. I keep it simple eat less move more. Some days it works, and if it doesnt oh well, there is always the next day! We are not perfect!!!!

    You gals are really working the plan!!! Losing weight this month!! I have been slacking with the exercise!!! Walking the mall counts though right!! Heheheh!

    Have a great week all !

  • Good morning Turtles,

    Since I have been on this plan I have noticed that my sleeps have been better. I think it has something to do with knowing that I am in control of my body and I am working towards improving it. Just another perk when we look after ourselves .

    Hope we have a great day!

    P.s. it is warm today. -15
  • Terri and Big Momma, good to hear from you.

    We had a lot of noise in our backyard this morning. Some workers from our power utility took down the five saplings we had in our backyard that were twisted up in the power lines. They did an amazing job and they're all gone!
    Oh, trees and men. So glad it won't be any of our trees that take down a power line next storm.

    Rainy here, but I've got plans for the day and we're coming out of the storm just fine. Although we had a lot of damage, there are people not far away who lost their entire homes. I hope all of this will be done by Christmas and it looks like it will. Just little things now.

    On the other hand, our house looks so cute. Dh and I have been decorating and getting ready for Christmas. It's a great time of the year. A friend sent a tower of goodies and I couldn't resist peaking into each box. Oh, big mistake~I think I'll move that into another spot since it is tempting me. I made a promise to myself to keep the box intact until Christmas Eve. I've got a few social times coming up, so I'm planning as best I can. Bandit is really inspiring me by losing weight during this time and we all know her social life is great and busy!!!!

    Okay, just chatting here. Talk soon. Wishing you all and : to get through these days.
    234.6/197/thinner to goal in 2013~~~~
  • Hello all....
    Well joke's om me...I have the flu and a nasty sort of business it is. Will report back when recovered. Stay well ladies.
  • Oh Big Momma, sorry about the flu. Get well quick.
  • Morning all!
    Big Momma speedy recovery! On the plus side when you are sick your not hungry??? (Trying to stay positive heeheheheh!!)

    Well made it throught the staff party didnot have any of the desserts! Yeah me! Have been doing well with all the treats patients bring in, over all I am pretty proud of myself!!! Now on the bad side I havenot been to gym in 3 weeks!!! But I will get back at it! I promise!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Judy glad things are getting back to normal after that nasty storm!!, You stay chatty we like that!!!

    Bandit good for you for staying on track!!! like Judy says even with all your social events!!! You go girl!!!

    Have a great Thursday gals

  • Feeling much better!

    Lost three pounds and was able to walk 3 miles (not briskly) but I will take it!

    Husband was sick last night and I am waiting for little boy to bring it on home.

    Great job Terri staying away from desserts...that is some willpower! I have

    vowed no Christmas chocolate until Christmas Eve...so far so good.

    Take care!
  • Terri, weigh to go at the Christmas party! And I always think of nurses, etc. who work in doctors offices. It makes no sense for patients to bring cookies and candy to a place that tells you to watch your diet and eat healthy foods.
    My goodness! When a patient brings in fruit.....that would be smart. In the meantime good for you and for avoiding those temptations.

    Big Momma, also weigh to go for you in avoiding the Christmas foods and chocolate until Christmas Eve. That's really smart and will work. Yay.
    I'm so glad you lost 3#, that's great. Hope you're feeling better and your little boy can escape the flu.

    Things going well here. I just like to stop in and chat.
    Hi to Bandit and Princess and Cherry and Life4evr and all the turtles who walk by and just observe. Have a great day!
  • 3 mile walk today and some time outside in the snow with the kids and dog!

    The kids and I are planning the Christmas baking...sugar cookies and gingerbread men...rice crispie squares....and some cake pops made from my daughters machine....but most importantly...single batches of each!

    Any advice out there as to how to avoid sampling the baking as you making it?

    Take care.
  • Okay----I make a cup of tea while I bake. Also I have chewed diet gum to have something in my mouth instead of cookie dough. Anybody else have any ideas? I could use a few good tips myself.

    Big Momma, sounds like you're doing great.

    I had a nice weekend and have done well with food. I find tracking is helping me. Before I would plan out my meals and points plus, but somehow extra foods found their way into my mouth. Not the way to go.

    Wishing everybody a great day.
  • Good morning gals!

    Five days of work then off for the holiday! (I think I have about 12 days off) I really need the break!!!!!!

    Food was good over weekend! Still just eating less! Appetite is less so this is good!!
    Judy I baked yesterday a bit ended up in my mouth!!! So Big momma I have no advice, Judy's gum chewing was a great idea!!

    Hope the other gals are well!!! And keepin at it! Its all we can do!!!
