Birthday Cupcakes

  • birthday was last Thursday and one of my coworkers has baked cupcakes to celebrate since everyone was off for the holiday. Is it offensive if I don't eat one?

    I gave up sugar in June and now I just don't eat it, no matter what. I don't want to offend her because it was super sweet of her.
  • I admit my feelings would probably be hurt if I made something specifically for someone and they didn't eat one. I'd probably suck it up and at least have a bite but that's just the type of person I am.
  • Could you take one and say "MMmm, they look great! I just ate but I'll save it for a snack later!" -- then, you can toss it in the trash when nobody is looking.

    You don't have to eat it and your co-workers never have to know that you didn't.
  • Thanks guys...that's what I did. I took one and held onto it for "later" and then gave it to someone else. I definitely didn't want to offend her especially when it was such a nice gesture.
  • It was a nice gesture. I fixed my aunt's computer and to thank me she made me a huge tray of brownies. I didn't want to offend her, so I quickly loaded them into ziploc tupperware and sent them off to my husband's office and gave her her platter back and said thank you.

    I did find a great 90 calorie cupcake on skinny taste. It's just yellow cake mix and a large can of crushed pineapple in juice. Mix the pineapple and juice in and then spoon out your cupcakes and bake them. I topped mine with low calorie cool whip and it satisfied that craving!
  • Happy belated bday Chickie!
  • You have MUCH better control than me!! I would've taken one look and when,

    For me?? You shouldn't have!!!

    Then I would've dived my face into it the way Cookie Monster eats his cookies. Cupcakes are a HUGE vice of mine!!
  • So, everyone has been bringing in doughnuts lately, and it's easy for me to just bypass doughnuts when "it wasn't my idea to get them, so I shouldn't want them" goes through my skinny mind.

    However, I've been really good (seriously) this week, and I noticed it by moving to my next belt loop on my jeans!! I've also been craving chocolate like crazy.

    So what did I do? Totally brought in doughnut holes.

    Happily, this was a revision from my initial thought: buying fudge brownies after work and bring them in the morning. There is NO WAY those brownies would have ever made it to work the next day, lol.

    Instead, I stopped at Tim Hortons in the morning and got a doughnuts holes. I had my oatmeal and watched as everyone else enjoyed them, knowing that i needed my oatmeal first or I would get an awesome sugar-spiked-headache (been there, done that). I finally got up and got 3 doughnut holes around 10:30 and swapped them out for my afternoon snack.

    So that's my successful, I'm-in-control-of-sweets story.

    The End.

    Happy Friday everyone!
  • Honestly, some people do get offended if you don't eat their food because you just don't want it. That doesn't mean you have to eat it though!!! I use a variety of tactics to avoid food I don't want.

    *Say your stomach is upset
    *Say you're having blood sugar problems
    *Take it "for later" and throw it away when you can
  • There is a birthday celebration with cake almost every year of my 30 years. I probably ate the cake from age 1-4, then realized that I don't like cake! Nobody seems to notice if you don't eat it (other than maybe one little comment), as long as you graciously pass it up and enjoy your celebration. People want to eat cake, so let them eat it - you're the occasion!