Food, Inc.

  • In the middle of watching the documentary Food, Inc. and I have to admit I am thoroughly disturbed and nauseated (and I've got a strong stomach!) I've always heard bad things about common meat processes but watching this makes me question a lot. I guess I was naive and didn't think of the way they slaughter animals because it's not a pretty thought.

    Any other documentaries any of you think people should watch? I want to learn more and see if there are any I haven't found yet.
  • Have you seen Supersize Me? I'm not big on food documentaries, but I did see that when it first came out. It seriously turned me off of fast food and specifically McDonald's for a long long time. Watching him develop health problems was like watching me in a mirror sped up. After I saw it I made my mom and brother watch it. It didn't affect them the way it did me (they still eat absolute junk 24/7) but it at least made them aware that all their health issues was a direct effect of the crap they eat.
  • We watched Supersize Me in class. It was interesting but not a complete surprise considering how much of it he was eating. I've only just recently started watching food and medical documentaries so I can be more knowledgeable in my nursing courses and in hopes it will give me inspiration for changing my diet.
  • I love food documentaries! "Sugar:the bitter truth" and "the men whose us fat" are both on YouTube- I also liked "forks over knives" and "fat head" was intersting to watch after "supersize me".

    I'm interested to see any other ones!
  • Thanks for the suggestions! I'm watching Food Matters right now while I do some cleaning before class starts again. It's fascinating. I never gave much thought about how many nutrients are lost during transport to the stores and then how much more we lose after cooking (it's almost like we lose it all! lol) Makes me consider looking into the raw food diet.