I dropped a size!

  • I just had to share. I've been MIA for awhile now, but I've finally gotten my act together for real this time. This morning, I hit 20 lb gone! I also just got to drop down a size in dress pants and my jeans! WOOHOO! I wore them around all week, and wore the 16s on Friday and realized they were just too baggy. SUCH and awesome feeling!
  • Congratulations !
  • Awesome!!!!
  • Yay
  • That's fantastic! I have a pair of jeans one size too small and I can not wait to do the same thing you are
  • Great job!
    How are you celebrating ? Time to shop for new Duds!
  • Awesome, congrats!
  • Congratulations!
  • Thanks all!
    Roo2 - I did... found a couple pairs of new dress pants and jeans on sale. I'm trying not to buy too much, because I'm determined to keep it going and I'll have to do this again!
  • Awesome! Congrats!!! Treat youself!