Anyone interested in starting a mini challenge??

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  • I'm in a rut.....I'd like to see how much I can lose before Thanksgiving while staying very strict on carbs and calories between now and Wednesday night. I need friendship and accountability.

  • Hello, my name is Jen.
    I would love to join u in this challenge.. How would we do this? I'm just starting my weight loss... I've reduced my calorie intake to 1500. And work out about 3-4x per week. So, what do we do first?
  • Hi Jen! I am starting today at 301.5. I am tracking my food on my daily plate and will post my menu, calories, carbs and weight. I intend to check in at least twice per day ...(morning and night) . Anyone else??? This is for 7 full days for me (this morning through Thursday morning)
  • I'm in! My calories are at 1750 and carbs are at 25 gm net.

    Thanks for starting this, Zay!
  • Hello again Jen and hello Geo! Thanks for joining the challenge. I'm up in weight. My lowest weight (in about 6 years) was 292 about a month ago. Been having a rough month
    My desired diet is under 1500 calories and under 30 carbs. I going to do Net too. Today I've only had protein and fat...trying to get into ketosis.
    How are you two doing?
  • I have been reading up on ketosis this last week. I have never used the Ketostix before but I just got some on Amazon this morning and will use them when they arrive. I'm a type 2 and have PCOS so eating very low carb is what I have to do, no matter what it's called!

    I had gotten down to 286 lbs (for about 2 hours I think) back in June, but then I went on vacation and lost my focus. I gained back up to 302 lbs very quickly. It freaked me out, but I know it was all water and glycogen replacement.

    I'm at 297 lbs this morning. Had a lovely little breakfast of 2 Applegate Farms savory turkey breakfast sausage and 2 scrambled eggs cooked in olive oil, plus a little cream in my coffee. Just finished a workout at my fitness studio. Not sure what I'm having for lunch yet.
  • I will join too! My mini challenge is to be officially back in ketostis by Thanksgiving. So I will be at 20 carbs or under and will be tracking in my app. I am also making a mini goal of rejoining the local gym before Thanksgiving. I keep saying I'm going to - but have yet to walk in. Now is the time!
  • Hello... Today had been crazy... So much running around to do... With a 9 month old.. I didn't have time to eat past lunch. My calorie intake today has been 700. I had oatmeal for breakfast and 10 breaded chicken nuggets with a serving of French fries.... I was planning a dinner of chicken breast/broccoli and rice.... But its getting late. I may just have a bowl of sliced strawberrys in milk.
  • Hey DMB and jdennis! Thanks for joining. I like your goal too...back in ketosis - its the only way I feel in control. I haven't had any veggies today and I don't like not having any. This means no more nuts for me. Too high calories and carbs. Kinda feels like sludge - all of the eggs and burger patties. I'm going to add in my veggies tomorrow and will stick to 20 carbs NET.

    Today so far (and Im' finished for the day)
    eggs (several throughout the day)
    gr sirloin patties
    pork rinds
    1539 calories - 22 carbs - 18 net carbs - 89 protein

    Have a good night all!
  • Geo, how did you do the rest of the day? Seems we are close in stats. My highest was last summer at 331. I've managed to take some off but not quick enough for me!
  • I had a meeting at work that lasted till later in the afternoon, so I missed lunch. My son and I just got home from an early dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant, a big bowl of Tom Ka Kai soup and chicken satay with peanut sauce. Not sure how to track those carbs and calories, so I won't even try. I'm done eating for the night.

    So it's the weekend. What have you all got planned to stay on track? I've got a lot of housework to get done and I'm hoping I'll be too busy to notice that I want to get snacky or cave in to whatever my sons talk me into doing. I'm not spending any more money till my next payday, so I won't be tempted to go out and indulge. And when I want to take breaks from housework, you may find I've checked in here and posted far too much on everybody's threads!
  • Just realized your name is Georgia. Love that name! Are you familiar with Boz Scaggs Georgia? Great song...funny I've never met anyone name Georgia until Sept...I have a professor and her name is Georgia. And you too!

    You could try to plug those into daily plate and see if it comes up. I'm amazed at the content of their database. There are even Atkins recipes on it.

    Have a good night. See you all tomorrow.
  • Quote: I had a meeting at work that lasted till later in the afternoon, so I missed lunch. My son and I just got home from an early dinner at our favorite Thai restaurant, a big bowl of Tom Ka Kai soup and chicken satay with peanut sauce. Not sure how to track those carbs and calories, so I won't even try. I'm done eating for the night.

    So it's the weekend. What have you all got planned to stay on track? I've got a lot of housework to get done and I'm hoping I'll be too busy to notice that I want to get snacky or cave in to whatever my sons talk me into doing. I'm not spending any more money till my next payday, so I won't be tempted to go out and indulge. And when I want to take breaks from housework, you may find I've checked in here and posted far too much on everybody's threads!
    Mmm.... Chicken satay is the bomb! I could eat a dozen easily.... In the past, I may have ^_^ I finished out my night with about 10 oz of strawberrys in milk... My new alternative to ice cream.

    Should I be tracking more than just calories?
  • Good morning, I'm down 2 lbs today to 298.5.

    I'll check in later when I decide on my menu for the day.

    Have a great day!
  • Jen, up to you what you want to track. Since this thread is in the Atkins Diet forum, I jumped in because I want to keep my carb intake low and I always love the emo-tivation I get from joining a challenge group. If tracking calories is bringing you positive results, then stick with that. I think you're welcome to stay here if you like. The more the merrier!

    (I have easily made myself crazy tracking WAY too much and suffered from analysis paralysis at one point. Keeping it simple is better for my motivation.)

    As for the satay and peanut sauce, I could easily eat that much too! Fortunately for me, the Thai restaurant made the appetizer for one healthy, weight-conscious eater and there were only five pieces on the plate. And my son ate one of them. (Scoundrel! 15-year-old football player with a bottomless appetite! He ate a bowl of Tom Yum soup AND all the spring rolls on the platter AND an order of orange chicken with veggies and jasmin rice. AND he considered the banana split too! But I cut him off because I was dangerously low on cash.)

    Well done Zay! Off to an excellent start! Cutting the carbs is so rewarding on the scale. I'm looking forward to relosing all of what I gained back from the carbing up. I'm down half a pound since yesterday, so I guess I didn't do too badly at the Thai restaurant.

    Yes, I'm familiar with all the songs of Boz Skaggs. I live close to SF, where he's from, and was a teen in the 70s when he became popular. And then, there's all those people who sing my name, ala Boz and (mostly) Ray Charles. And then more recently there's John Mayer's "Why Georgia" that my sons love to sing to me when I demand they do chores.

    So, it's a rainy Saturday here in Northern California. Love it! I'm planning to spend the day doing housework and riding broom on my sons so that they help me. I have already had my breakfast this morning: 3 eggs, 2 slices of Niman Ranch bacon (yum!), heavy cream in my coffee...and then there's all the vitamins that I'm taking. Dear lord! That's a whole meal too! But I seem to feel better when I take the ones I've got now, and taking them requires me to drink a lot of water.

    As for my meals the rest of the day...I think I'm going to measure out some cheese ahead of time so I don't go over on that. And I've got some ground lamb to cook up and layer on some grilled zucchini and top it with feta cheese for a low-carb version of moussaka. And some nice grilled wild Alaskan salmon with a serving of coconut-creamed spinach for dinner. I have a chocolate protein shake to drink if I get too hungry later in the afternoon.

    With the winter-like weather settling in, it's time for me to drag my rowing machine back to the living room. Once I get that room dusted and vacuumed today, I'm going to oil my machine and drag her in front of the TV. I have a Concept2 D model and I love using it. I even have a DVD of someone rowing through rivers, as well as a training DVD to work on form and pacing.

    I like to combine weight-loss methods. One thing I try to do is limit the number of hours I'm eating with intermittent fasting. So I hope to be done eating by 6 p.m. tonight and have a proper 12-hour fast through the night. It seems to be really difficult for me to achieve since my body wants to eat more in the late afternoon and evening. I can be done with my calories by 6 p.m. but then snack my way up by a few hundred calories between 6 and 10 p.m. when I usually go to bed. I only recently became a breakfast eater because of blood sugar and other issues, but I'm not usually interested in eating until after noon. I miss the morning fasting, a lot. But it just wasn't working for my health. But my doctor is letting me do the 12-hour fasts, as long as I'm timing them so that I eat within half an hour of waking up.

    Okay, I'm going to stop writing now, before this turns into a novella! Have a great day!