How often do you take measurements?

  • So I finally bit the bullet and took photos and measurements. Pretty awful. I can't imagine ever wanting to share, and those photos especially!

    Anyways to my question.

    How often do you all take measurements. I mean the tape kind not the scale. I wanted to get a good starting photo and starting measurements. I have taken measurements before and was pretty sad to see that I had the highest numbers I know of. I expect that measurments change more slowly than weight (sometimes anyways).

    My initial thoughts were once a month? I feel that once a week may be too frequent to see any differences that arent human error/water retention/bloat etc.

    Those of you who measured thoughout your weightloss what worked for you? Or like me if your just starting or in the middle of it what is your plan/ what plan have you been following for frequency of tape measurements?

    I also plan to take photos again when I measure and where the same short/sportsbra that I wore this time.
  • I measure once a month or less. Anything less, I don't see progress.

    My measurements are so inaccurate, though. I don't' trust them. In a year since I started keeping track, I haven't lost so many inches even though I've shrunk several dress sizes and pounds and 30 some odd pounds.
  • twinietin- Thanks for the response. I was afraid of potential inaccurace. Whether you pull the tape tightly or not could really make a difference. That and whether you are measure across the same space. For abdomen and thigh I measured a few spots and wrote down the highest weight. Plan to do the same thing in the future in hopes it help with accuracy.

    Congrats on losing sizes!And wow you have lost so much weight and done so well! Inspiring! That's awesome. Right now I am about to burst out of the size I am wearing now. In fact a few articles of clothing in this size dont fit too well and I haven't been wearing anymore. If I went shopping I'm sure I'd likely have to buy a size up.

    Did you save old cloths when you grew out of them? I have thought about this because in the past I lost weight and didn't get rid of the "bigger" cloths. I wasn't truely down a whole size however, but some articles really were falling off me too big. Now those are the only ones that fit . But a part of me wonders if I would have started losing sooner if I was running out of comfy things too wear.
  • I've measure monthly! I actually find it sometimes better than the scales. While I don't see losses on the scales all the time, I'm continuously losing inches it seems. I do a mid month one also to see the progress but actually official measurements are done each month at the start.
  • I measure every ten pounds lost, or try to. When I hit 150, I'll measure every five pounds or so.
  • About once a month. If I didn't, I might not feel as enthused but when I began my journey the first time I couldn't fit less than the 60' of tape-i went beyond that. These days my middle is anywhere from 42-44. I tend to fluctuate with water too. I still have a lot to go but I do have an hourglass which the tape measure indicates. Everything is falling n2 place. I'de say the tape measure is as important s the scale. Jmho.
  • Arctic Mama- THat's a good idea. I never thought of that. But 10 lbs means you can probably always see a real difference in measurements. I would love to lose that much in a month, but I dont expect that to happen too much.
    avalonmoon- Wow! Well done you have lost a bunch of inches then.

    I'm really glad I measured after hearing the motivation you have all seen. Since I am focusing alot of attention on lifting I am very glad to measure and not only rely on the scale. Especially since the size change is what we are all really looking for. We want to shrink!
  • Monthly is nice. I'd rather see a one inch decrease that a .5 if I did it every 2!
  • Thanks 'wannaBfitnessbbuff'. I have pcos/type2 diabetes so I have the huge middle. For me the mass has always been right there and way b4 in my chest too. I certainly feel better than I did with my waist so big. I'm glad I didn't give up though.