This is going to be rough..

  • and I don't know how to do it.

    My mother lives with myself, my DH and our two girls, a 4 monther and a 2 year old. I want to start a diet but my husband likes to eat "manly" food and my 2 year old is picky and my mother says basically "whatev" to everything.

    How can I make myself eat healthy and cook for everyone else since I am a stay at home mother without spending hours in the kitchen?
  • Your family should be eating healthy foods, too.Fresh fruits and vegetables, lean meat, chicken or fish, good for everybody.
  • Keep your meals simple. 4 ounces of meat and a bunch of veggies. No bread or sugar.
  • I think that the more healthy options you present to your family, the more they will get used to them. You can start off simply at first, one thing at a time. Your children are young yet, so it's easier. My boyfriend is a "manly" man but he still eats healthy.... that's no excuse in my eyes. Health is so important for everyone, not just you. So focusing on that will make things eventually easier on you.
  • Tell your manly man that what really makes a man manly is one that is aware that his family needs him to be healthy so he can be around for a long time.

    I do the cooking, the other people do the eating. If they want something different they gotta do the cooking for themselves. I am in charge of this household and the health of everyone in it. I consider it an important job because I love the people in my house. Deal with it.