Frozen broccoli

  • I bought a package of "steam in the bag" frozen broccoli the other day, but I looked at the package today, and it has 2g of sugar. The ingredients say "broccoli" and that's it. Could that be right? I know starchy, fobidden veggies have sugar, but I didn't think broccoli did. Now I'm a little hesitant to eat it.
  • That is natural sugar and fine to eat.
  • It's fine. Broccoli has some natural carbs.
  • Thanks for the info! I guess I'm a little bit cynical about what manufacturing companies may put into food, and not be required to list. I have definitely become a label reader! I was wondering if they put something into it to make it "steam in the bag". But, really...broccoli has some carbs? No wonder limiting carbs is so difficult! :-)
  • all veggies have carbs. Some more than others. That is why tomatoes and green beans are limited to twice/week and some veggies are off-limits during phase 1

    My coach gave me a list of carb counts so I could choose lower-carb choices or spread-out the carb choices.
  • Quote: all veggies have carbs. Some more than others. That is why tomatoes and green beans are limited to twice/week and some veggies are off-limits during phase 1

    My coach gave me a list of carb counts so I could choose lower-carb choices or spread-out the carb choices.
    Can you share that list?
  • veggie carb counts
    I picked this up a few months ago from another 3FC IPeep's post. Don't have the name to give the credit to, but whoever you are, thank you!

    Another helpful link from the idealcoachingtv site is Click on "Foods by Nutrient" then there are several ways you can search. I came up with the following reference for myself (most are 'raw' measurements). Having a digital food scale to weigh by grams would be very helpful for things not easily measured in a "cup":

    Asparagus (1c, 134g) 5 carb - 3 fiber = 2 net carbs (3g sugars)
    Broccoli (1c, 91g) 6 carb - 2 fiber = 4 net carbs (2g sugars)
    Brussel Sprouts (1c, 88g) 8 carb - 3 fiber = 5 net carbs (2g sugars)
    Cauliflower (1c, 130g) 6 carb - 2 fiber = 4 net carbs (2g sugars)
    Cabbage, green (1c, 89g) 5 carb - 2 fiber = 3 net carbs (3g sugars)
    Celery (1c, 100g) 3 carb - 2 fiber = 1 net carb (2g sugars)
    Cucumber w/peel (1c, 133g) 3 carb - 1 fiber = 2 net carbs (1g sugars)
    Green beans, cooked (1c, 125g) 10 carb - 4 fiber = 6 net carbs (2g sugars)
    Kale, fresh (100g) 10 carb - 2 fiber = 8 net carbs (0 sugars)
    Mushroom, portabella (100 g) 5 carb - 2 fiber = 3 net carbs (2g sugars)
    Mushroom, white (1c, 70g) 2 carb - 1 fiber = 1 net carb (1g sugars)
    Onion, raw (1c, 160g) 15 carb - 3 fiber = 12 net carbs (7g sugars)
    Red bell pepper (1c, 149g) 9 carb - 3 fiber = 6 net carbs (6g sugars)
    Rhubarb (1c, 122g) 6 carb - 2 fiber = 4 net carbs (1g sugars)
    Rutabagas (1c, 140g) 11 carb - 4 fiber = 7 net carbs (8g sugars)
    Sauerkraut (1c, 142g) 7 carb - 4 fiber = 3 net carbs (3g sugars)
    Snowpeas (1c chopped, 100g) 7 carb - 3 fiber = 4 net carbs (4g sugars)
    Summer Squash (yellow/zucchini) (1c, 110g) 4 carb - 1 fiber = 3 net carbs (2g sugars)
    Turnips (1c, 140g) 8 carb - 2 fiber = 6 net carbs (5g sugars)
    V8 juice (note 1/2c, 120g) 5 carb - 1 fiber = 4 net carbs (4g sugars)
  • Thanks Chloe
    the list my coach gave me is a hard copy and I don't have a scanner.
    But carb counts are readily available online for anyone to google
  • Yup - if you google the food you want to look up and "nutritional info" you will usually get or entries within the first few results. Either of those are reliable.