Phase 4

  • i keep hearing , lunch poor in Carbs and dinner poor in fats,... i wish there was a better guideline.. i.e. have no more than 5g of fat with dinner and no more than 20g of carb for lunch.... any thoughts???? i see a little butter for baked potatoe , or a little oil for pasta,.... So I a fella out
  • The way I understand it (as I've been trying to wrap my brain around maintenance so I don't get totally overwhelmed when I get there) is that Maintenance is a balance of good choices within what your body can handle, paired with the Fat poor/carb poor principle. Not so much about the numbers - because what I can handle without weight gain, and what YOU can handle can be very different things.

    In my reading it also seems that it doesn't necessarily matter which meal is carby and which is more fatty (lunch or dinner) as long as you don't mix the two. If you have pasta, stick with vegetable toppings and not cream sauces. If you have dinner with a creamy sauce, skip the dinner roll and sugary dessert and have some extra salad. I'm expecting maintenance to be a trial-and-error for the first month or two, until I find the right calorie count for my days, and figure out what my body can tolerate.
  • Quote: i keep hearing , lunch poor in Carbs and dinner poor in fats,... i wish there was a better guideline.. i.e. have no more than 5g of fat with dinner and no more than 20g of carb for lunch.... any thoughts???? i see a little butter for baked potatoe , or a little oil for pasta,.... So I a fella out
    Your coach should have given you a handout on it ... did they? I was told, carbs in the AM and PM, if your meal is high in carbs, make it low in fat. If high in fat, low in carbs. Fats at lunch are fine but you shouldn't spike your insulin mid-day.

    I actually got told MORE fats that what I was consuming- remember it's mainly the bad carbs (sugars, etc.) that are our enemy.

    I know there's a link to a phase 4 handout. wuv has it somewhere, I'll dig it up and post it for you.
  • Quote: Your coach should have given you a handout on it ... did they? I was told, carbs in the AM and PM, if your meal is high in carbs, make it low in fat. If high in fat, low in carbs. Fats at lunch are fine but you shouldn't spike your insulin mid-day.

    I actually got told MORE fats that what I was consuming- remember it's mainly the bad carbs (sugars, etc.) that are our enemy.

    I know there's a link to a phase 4 handout. wuv has it somewhere, I'll dig it up and post it for you.
    second post
  • Quote: second post
    Wuv - You're like batman seeing the signal in the sky
  • Quote: Wuv - You're like batman seeing the signal in the sky
  • Quote: Wuv - You're like batman seeing the signal in the sky
    That one had me ROFL... We're glad you're there WUV!!
  • I wish it was more clear as well. What is considered low carb/ low fat? 5-10 g? 11-15?
  • Here's my spin on how it is supposed to work.
    For lunch, your basic plan is protein and vegetables. You can add 10 to 20g of fat. This could be in the form of oil, avocado or hard cheese.

    For dinner, you can have up to 7 oz of carbs and a tsp or less of olive oil.
    That is about 5g of fat. I have yet to figure out the 7 oz of carbs thing as I think a serving size/calorie count/carb level would be a heck of a lot more helpful. In real life, I have used about a cup of cooked pasta or 1/2 cup of cooked rice or 1/2 to 1 cup of cooked beans, kind of like that.

    Also, the fabulous phase 3 breakfast comes into phase 4 as "OR", meaning you don't have to have all the elements like in phase 3. You could have just yogurt and fruit or just oatmeal or just toast and butter or just a shake OR some combination of protein, carb, fruit and fat.

    Oh, and you can have a glass of red wine five nights a week. ; )
    You can switch lunch and dinner.

    The basis on ongoing maintenance is how you set things up in Phase 1/2, that is your lunch and dinner are about the protein and vegetables.

    I sure hope wuv has some bat-clarification for that 7oz of carbs.