New again!

  • Hey everyone My name is Brittany and I am 24, I Joined back in January but I just had to much going on at the time, however,everything is settled now and I am ready to move on with my life and lose this weight, I just got married last week and I want to be healthy(and look better) for my Husband as well as my kids and just be the person I want to be I have 3 goals then my final weight which I will tweak as it gets closer..

    Goal 1- 199
    Goal 2- 180
    Goal 3- 165
    and FINAL 150
  • Welcome!! Everyone is here to support you! Good luck on the weight loss!
  • Welcome! We have very similar weight goals. My next goal is 199, which I am hoping to hit by the New Year! Good luck with your journey and congrats on your marriage!
  • Thank you! I was hoping to hit my first by new years as well, I hope I can survive the holidays ...

    Thanks for the welcome Looking forward to the support
  • Yeah, holidays can be hard. But we can do it together!