Lose 10 lbs by November 1st!!!

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  • Let's rock October, ladies!

    SW 157.4
    CW 157.4
    HW 149.8
    GW 147.4

    *** Remember, you don't have to make your goal to lose 10 pounds! Make your goal whatever you want!

    ETA: I like the Happy Weight (HW) addition, so I'm stealing it!
  • Ill join
    Im already in the loose 30lbs by new year challenge. But this will give me a boost in the short term and will get some weight off before my holiday late november.
    Start weight: 150.5
    Goal weight: 140.5

  • I'm going for 10 in october too! Gotta have something to work towards

    So, start: 248.8
    goal: 238.8
  • I'm in!
    SW: 169
    CW: 169
    GW: 159

    Mini rant, come to find out my scale all along has been showing that I'm 5ibs lighter than I really am. Irritating! I don't care that all this time I was 5ibs heavier than thought cause I'm still losing weight, dropping pant sizes, and getting healthier either way. The inaccuracy is what I find annoying. I'm weird I know! lol
  • Quote:
    Mini rant, come to find out my scale all along has been showing that I'm 5ibs lighter than I really am. Irritating! I don't care that all this time I was 5ibs heavier than thought cause I'm still losing weight, dropping pant sizes, and getting healthier either way. The inaccuracy is what I find annoying. I'm weird I know! lol
    You are taking it better than I would! Seriously!!! I don't think you are weird at all!!!
  • Weight as of Thursday was
    SW: 139.7
    GW: 129.9

    Hey, just seeing the 120s is more than adequate.
  • Quote: You are taking it better than I would! Seriously!!! I don't think you are weird at all!!!
    When I realized it at first I wasn't happy at all. I wanted to scream. Than I reminded myself that I either way I still have lost 21ibs, 3 pant sizes, and gone down in a shirt size so far so I'm doing great. And sure it may add 5 more ibs to reaching my final goal weight but at the same time it adds 5 more ibs to my bragging rights. Instead of saying I lost 60ibs I can say I lost 65ibs. lol
  • Count me in, too, and let's all do this!

    Starting: 168.2
    Goal: 158.2
  • I'm in!!
    I'm also working with someone to lose 20lbs by black Friday so this should help push me

    Sw 227.4
    Cw 227.4
    Gw 215

    A little over ten pounds. Hoping I can make it!!!
  • I'm going for my usual 5 pound goal for the month, maybe a little more since I have an extra week.

    SW: 236.5 (September 26th)
    GW: 231.5 (November 7th, no meeting October 30th)

    Let's get this party started.
  • I'm in! I just joined a bootcamp starting tomorrow!
  • I am in, and adding a pound and a half! Last month went so well, I can't wait to see how this month goes. Bring it on!
    SW: 201.5
    GW: 190

    2-201.5 grrr... I wish my scale would move down, but I know i'm doing the right things and it will show soon.
    3-201.5 seriously?
    6-199.5 Finally!!! Whoo hoo
    17-196.5 TOM start
    25-192 getting there. just need to get two more off... I can do this.
    30-190.5 whoo, almost there!
    31-191 salt..... Evil salt still happy with my progress!
  • Steph may I join also
    SW: 314
    CW: 314
    GW: 304
  • I'm in!

    CW 187
    GW 177
  • Quote: Steph may I join also
    Of course!!!! EVERYONE is welcome!

    I LOVE all the energy and determination. Let's beat the crap out of October!