Drinking apple cider vinegar

  • I'm just wondering if anyone else drinks apple cider vinegar? Not by itself...I mix a teaspoon or so in a glass of water and drink it up! I have read a lot about the benefits of acv, but I'm curious if there is an 'ideal' amount to drink in a day? At first I added a pinch of Splenda to it, but now like it without - I can almost fool myself that it's iced tea!
  • I'm a believer. I add organic acv (Braggs) to my filtered water regularly - I probably drink 1-2 tsp of acv/day in my water/day. I've grown to prefer that to adding MIO or other artificial flavorings. Sorry I don't know the maximum beneficial amount - there are oodles of articles about the benefits of organic acv online if you Google.

    Two of the reasons I like it are that it helps to alkalize out bodies and is high in potassium. Here's an interesting article on the subject:

  • Wonderful! Thanks for the link to the article!
  • i have had it, about a tablespoon a day, helps me a lot.

    nasty to go down, but it's ok

  • I tried this for a period of time a while back. I, too, used the Bragg's since it is one of the best brands. I couldn't get over the taste/smell/harshness of it though. I did it for probably a month and then I couldn't stand it anymore. To this day, when I smell apple cider vinegar it makes me queasy! I wish I didn't have such a strong reaction to it, because it really does have a lot of benefits.
  • Be careful since it can affect the enamel on your teeth. I would rinse or brush afterwards.