lost motivation... help!

  • I started SB in during the summer and I was really excited and did well. However, once school started again, I can't seem to get myself back on track. I am hovering around 148-150, which my original goal was 145 but I think I could go to 140 and stabilize. I am not unhappy with my weight where it is, but I know I would feel most comfortable with 8-10 more pounds gone.

    The problem I am having is that because I'm close to my goal, I keep falling off and getting back on - one week I'm good, the next is disastrous. So instead of losing, I hover. I am good at avoiding sweets and other junk food at work, but I am just not doing everything 100% SB. For example, I will eat breakfast & lunch 100% on SB, but dinner will be off plan because I'm too tired to make something, so I end up eating cereal or something quick.

    I wanted to start an exercise routine but I am up at 5:00 AM and come home around 6:00 PM and I am just too exhausted at that point.

    Any advice? I want to find my motivation again!
  • First of all congratulations for maintaining your loss!!! OK so you would feel more comfortable weighing less. Do you have a break during your school day to sneak in a work out? Even a quick 10 minute walk might help you not feel so tired when you get home. Instead of cereal, why not soup? Quick simple you can even use pre made ones and add things like beans or turkey. My days are long when I am at work (12 hours for work plus 2 hours commuting) so I can relate. I try to make take part of one of my days off to plan for the week (cut up veggies, cook 2 main meals that will make left overs) By no means am I perfect, so I do weigh myself weekly. Some weeks I am up togs down. I concentrate on my last weigh in for the month and work with that number for the next month.

    Setting a fitness goal helps me stay motivated. Exercise is key when I go on "vacation" from the beach for a few days. I try to set fitness goals both long and short term and post on the monthly thread. Seeing others post their progress helps keep me accountable. My September short term goal was to exercise 1100 minutes, beating previous months' totals. Long tern is to complete a four day 300 plus mile bike ride from Ground Zero to the Police Memorial in Washington DC.

    Winter will be here soon enough knowing I set this goal for late spring, forces me to keep up with riding (albeit in doors). If you don't enjoy your work outs you won't do them. I like cycling because I find it very freeing and youthful. It doesn't feel like I am,illing my body doing it, but the results are awesome

    Hang in there you are doing great especially keeping a full schedule!
  • I took pictures of myself in my underwear, and take a long, painful look at them when I'm feeling my motivation slip
  • Me too
    About 6 years ago, I was miserable and unhappy with my now ex-husband. I had a 4 year old, a one year old, was in college full time and working part time. My weight ballooned to 195lbs! I started eating a lot less and walking and doing pilates. I lost 30 lbs in 2 years. Then I got divorced, and met a wonderful man in that 2 years. I was totally stuck at the 165 mark, not terribly unhappy about it, but not where I needed to be. I wanted to be 150. So I found South Beach and it was AMAZING! I lost the next 15lbs, and 5 more on phase one. I never did phase 2 or 3. Just kept up as low carb and good carb, lots of veggies and lean meat. However, I gourmet cook for a hobby:-/ I always do phase 1 for 2 weeks when I need to get back on track. My lowest weight is 135, but I honestly look very bony at that. I am good at 137-140. I get down to 142 right now and then CRASH, I eat crap. Then go back to 145. How do I get motivated to get it together?
  • Sararenee to me it seems like a mental game you are playing with yourself. You are successful in maintaining your weight loss for a few years. If you like how you feel, look and how your clothes fit try not to be so hung up on the number on the scale. Of course if you eat poorly, even if only a few days, you will see a little fluctuation. Then you go back to being good and poof in a few days you are back to where you want to be.

    I like weighing under 140, it is a mental thing for me. I had a little a ha moment the other day. I actually looked at myself in the mirror wearing just my undies. As I stood there I started to notice changes in my body. Like seeing my ribs and the outline of I assume my abdominal muscles. A small "cut" in my upper arms indicating I do have triceps. I was feeling really good then hopped on the scale and was 144, just under my goal. It was then I realized whether I am 139 or 145 I like the changes I am seining in myself.

    Also, to keep motivated i set goals for myself. This year i am trying a new veggie every month and cycling in a four day bike tour from NYC to DC. So many friends and co-workers have sponsored me (it is a fundraising ride) I don't want to let anyone down, but especially myself. My highest weight, not including pregnancy, was 207. I know I am in such a better place now.

    I hope this was helpful
  • Quote: Sararenee to me it seems like a mental game you are playing with yourself. You are successful in maintaining your weight loss for a few years. If you like how you feel, look and how your clothes fit try not to be so hung up on the number on the scale. Of course if you eat poorly, even if only a few days, you will see a little fluctuation. Then you go back to being good and poof in a few days you are back to where you want to be.

    I like weighing under 140, it is a mental thing for me. I had a little a ha moment the other day. I actually looked at myself in the mirror wearing just my undies. As I stood there I started to notice changes in my body. Like seeing my ribs and the outline of I assume my abdominal muscles. A small "cut" in my upper arms indicating I do have triceps. I was feeling really good then hopped on the scale and was 144, just under my goal. It was then I realized whether I am 139 or 145 I like the changes I am seining in myself.

    Also, to keep motivated i set goals for myself. This year i am trying a new veggie every month and cycling in a four day bike tour from NYC to DC. So many friends and co-workers have sponsored me (it is a fundraising ride) I don't want to let anyone down, but especially myself. My highest weight, not including pregnancy, was 207. I know I am in such a better place now.

    I hope this was helpful
    Thank you. It was helpful. It is mental. I have tied my image of myself to a number on the scale. However, that number never seems to matter about how I feel over all about me. I always find something to fixate on about myself, and it is always something about me that I hate. I don't know how to get out of it. I feel powerless to stop it. I have tied control and image to my weight. It can't be normal.
  • Sararenee you are not alone in how you feel. We seem to hold onto negative images, thoughts, comments more so than the positive ones which is sad, but true. In my experiences women are much harder on themselves than men. Growing up, I thought Lucille Ball was the most beautiful woman...ok so they were reruns but still...I still think this and she was a size 12 a perfectly healthy size. Yet when I have been a 12, I felt unworthy because all around me were petite women wearing size 4.

    Negative body image is so difficult to let go of. I may truly never see myself the way others do. Realistically does it matter? I am a good person, I try to be there for my friends, family and help out those in need. I treat others with kindness. Now when the negative voices get in my head, oh and they do. I try to remind myself I do it to myself, no one else makes me believe this.

    Don't be afraid to tell others how you feel. The people who truly care about you will set you straight It is hard to accept a compliment (I had a rough marriage). Now when someone says something nice, I tell them thank you and don't allow myself to add anything more. For example, when I was getting really close to my goal weight, my friend Joe told me my legs looked thinner in jeans. The old me would have said "I don't see it and my butt is still big." He has helped me to say "thank you that was kind of you to notice." Try it