So exhausted

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  • Ever since I've been cutting back my sugar intake, I feel so tired. I haven't walked in 3 days now because I can barely find the energy to do basic tasks. Natural sugar doesn't help, either. I guess the quantity of sugar I was eating was making me feel energized. I KNOW it's not healthy, but I feel like my knuckles are dragging the floor now. Coffee isn't cutting it. Maybe I should try espresso?

    But seriously, did you have energy problems when lowering calories? I've been eating healthy foods but I feel worse, not better. What's the deal?
  • How long have you been eating this way? How many calories are you eating? And lastly, would you be willing to post a sample menu of what you eat each day?

    Chances are you will be fine soon. Sometimes the transition is rough.
  • What is your workout routine like? I find that working out actually gives me more energy (just not directly after when I am dead on the floor. lol).
  • It's only been about a week now. I've gone from eating basically whatever I want, to 1400 calories a day. I'd say the max I used to eat was probably 2000-2200.

    Here is what I've been eating this week.

    Breakfast - 1 croissant, 2 cups of coffee with splenda, sometimes a splash of heavy cream

    midday snack - nectarine or 1 cup of white grapes and 1/2 cup baby carrots

    lunch - 2 cups of romaine with 2 tablespoons of caesar dressing, a few slices of pepperoni, with 1 tablespoon of dried cranberries and 2 tablespoons of croutons (sounds weird but it's soooo good)

    dinner - big portion of chicken (I've had beef a couple times) with mushroom/spinach/broccoli stirfry.

    Sometimes I have a cup of kettlecorn for my dessert which is pretty low in calories and sugar. I just can't eat the whole bag. It just depends on my calories for the day. If I workout, I have a protein shake made with water afterward.
  • Quote: What is your workout routine like? I find that working out actually gives me more energy (just not directly after when I am dead on the floor. lol).
    All I can manage now is walking a mile everyday. I've been sedentary for so long now that I can barely do anything without feeling completely exhausted. I don't know how to build up any endurance because I can't be consistent. I walk a mile for a few days and lift some 5 lb weights and then I literally feel like I cannot function and I have to take naps during the day.
  • Could be a bit of sugar withdrawal. Don't worry- it should get better. If it doesn't, I recommend talking to your doctor.
  • Good lord, up your protein! You aren't eating enough protein to keep a skeeter alive!

    I base my meals on lean protein first, then veggies, then maybe a carb. I snack on protein. Usually the little 2 oz packs of tuna.

    A croissant and a cup of coffee, would not even get me to work! I live and work on a farm and do stuff before I go to work at the veterinary hospital.

    Wal Mart has some great Turkey sausage patties, only 2 points on Weight Watchers, pair that with a serving of egg Beaters and 2 slices of Sara Lee 45 cal a slice bread, and you've got a breakfast that will last!

    Honestly, I would starve to death on what you are eating!
  • Might be partly sugar withdrawal, but I also think you're not getting enough protein. And maybe you could try swapping your lunch and dinner? Salad is good, sure, but it seems too light to get you going the rest of the way (whereas you wouldn't need too much energy for after dinner anyway, since the day is almost over).
  • I will try to up the protein. I'm just a picky eater, especially for breakfast. My favorite thing to eat in the morning is cold cereal, but I like a big bowl of it and it's just way too many carbs and calories.
  • Quote: My favorite thing to eat in the morning is cold cereal, but I like a big bowl of it and it's just way too many carbs and calories.
    What kind of cereals exactly?
    Stuff like muesli, for instance, would be more filling than others. E.g. when I was younger, I used to eat big bowls of 'kid cereals', and those were about 600-700 calories, yet left me starving 2 hours later because it was only crappy starch and sugar. Whereas 200 calories of muesli will keep me going for longer. Maybe it could work you too?
  • Quote: Good lord, up your protein! You aren't eating enough protein to keep a skeeter alive!

    I base my meals on lean protein first, then veggies, then maybe a carb. I snack on protein. Usually the little 2 oz packs of tuna.

    A croissant and a cup of coffee, would not even get me to work! I live and work on a farm and do stuff before I go to work at the veterinary hospital.

    Wal Mart has some great Turkey sausage patties, only 2 points on Weight Watchers, pair that with a serving of egg Beaters and 2 slices of Sara Lee 45 cal a slice bread, and you've got a breakfast that will last!

    Honestly, I would starve to death on what you are eating!
    This this this. My gosh you don't have really any protein at all until dinner. I'd wither up and die of crankiness!!! I definitely would have no energy either. Also, and unless I'm way underestimating that croissant you have in the morning, I don't see how that's 1400 calories. How are you recording/counting your calories?

    You mention you are a picky eater -- still you need to find some kind of protein to have with pretty much every meal. Lethargy may be inevitable with the diet you are currently consuming. Picky or not, you must take care of yourself and give your body the fuel it needs to get you through your day!!!
  • Quote: I will try to up the protein. I'm just a picky eater, especially for breakfast. My favorite thing to eat in the morning is cold cereal, but I like a big bowl of it and it's just way too many carbs and calories.
    I couldn't agree more on the protein. That should be your base with the other food groups added to fit your caloric requirements. Also, adding a little more healthy fat will help you feel more satiated. There are some higher protein cereals that I enjoy (I'm pretty picky too). There is Kashi GOLEAN Crunch (this version is the best) and 365 Protein & Fiber Crunch Cereal (Whole Foods brand) that are both good. There are also several others out there but I know these taste like "regular", non-diet breakfast cereal.
  • I agree up your protein! if you are in a hurry try a quality protein bar that would be better than a croissant, you should have protein at every meal to regulate your blood sugar which is related to energy..I am not an expert, this is just my opinion from my experience ..I have been doing lower carb lower calories since May 16th and the first week or so I was very run down but after that i have had more energy than i have had in years and I no longer need an afternoon nap!
  • What everyone else said up the protien! I start with plain Greek yogurt oodles of protien in it! I'll add some frozen berries and occasionally some granola
  • Yes, protein was the first thing I thought of. Add in a spoon full of peanut butter or some other nut or seeds.....protein in every meal.