Have to share my good news!

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  • Heya,

    I am fairly new so I don't know many of you (yet) but I am bursting with happiness and need to share:

    11 months ago I moved back to London, after 3 years away to try to rebuild my life, this time without my partner, without savings or any money really and with a degree that wasn't fully recognised here. I was living in Spain before and the recession meant that I would not find a new job in my field.
    It was really tough, I lived with (and off) friends for 3 months, then found a job that was pretty rubbish, but would pay the bills, found a second job to help, found a room in a flat. I have been unhappily in this job for nearly 9 months now, working 3 additional days (including saturdays) nannying to make ends meet and coaching on the weekends to pay for my own training.

    Today I had an interview for a job in my actual field and I got it. I will be working in the profession I trained for (and I trained for a long time, 6 years of uni!)!! Something I was told would probably not happen (not here, not for years). I also found a little flat with a friend last week, so I am moving into a lovely place by the end of the month.
    So on my 1 year back-anniversary, I will have achieved what I came to do and I am so damn proud of myself. That I did not give up, even though my old job sucked and I would sometimes cry in the toilets. That I managed to get through this rough patch. That I am finally where i want to be!

    Just wanted to share that! Thank you for "listening", Mila
  • Congratulations!
  • That is so awesome, congrats!
  • That's very inspirational, good luck with your new job and home!
  • Congratulations! Your hard work and dedication is finally being rewarded, what a good feeling!
  • Congrats!
    Never stop pedaling to power your dreams!
  • Congratulations !
  • Awesome! Congrats and good luck!
  • Great news. It sure sounds like you needed a break and you totally earned it through sheer hard work, tenacity and determination. Congratulations and may success long continue.
  • Yaaay!! How awesome-sauce! That's what happens when you don't give up!
    You should thank your friends for their support as well!
  • So awesome, Congrats...
  • That's so fantastic!!!
  • AWESOME! Good job!
  • Congratulations!
  • Oh Happy Day! Got goose pimplies just from reading your post. Your joy definitely comes through. I hope the goodness just keeps comin' for ya!