IP Daily Chat Monday 09/10/12

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  • Welcome back to the Daily Chat thread - post your plans for today, share what's been happening, ask questions!

    Some forum lingo:
    NSV = Non-scale victory
    TOM = time of the month
    WI = Weigh-in
    WF = Walden Farms
    OP = on program

    Ideal Protein Sub-forum Home page
    Consider making it a bookmark or a favorite in your browser so you can come back easily to get your RDA of Ideal Protein information.
    Ideal Protein Sub-forum Home Page

    Information for newbies:
    Check the sticky page for lots of good information and please read before asking what might be a frequently asked question here in the daily thread: Information on Ideal Protein phases (1-4), recipes, newbie guide, FAQ, and other important threads. IP Ultimate List Recipes, FAQ, Newbie Guide, Exercise, and other Important Threads

    Tickers and Signatures:
    There are 2 requirements to have access to signatures and tickers. You must have been a member of 3fatchicks for 20 days AND posted at least 20 messages anywhere on the 3fatchicks forum. When you've met those requirements check The Ultimate Signature and Ticker Thread for more information and instructions.
    the Ultimate One-Stop Signature and Ticker Thread - Read here if you have questions!

    The best quoting tip - EVER!! Thanks Rosie, aka 6710.
    the Ultimate One-Stop Signature and Ticker Thread - Read here if you have questions!

    If you can't find what you're looking for in this forum using the website search function, try using the "double search" using Google.

    1) Go to Google.com. Search 3fatchicks by using the term site:3fatchicks.com at the end of your Google search.

    For example, if you want to look for "big mac in a bowl", type "big mac in a bowl site:3fatchicks.com" in Google search. No need to include the quotation marks when you type.

    2) This will bring up the page that you are looking for, now hit Ctrl+F to search on that page. Type "big mac in a bowl" and all instances of that search term will be highlighted.

    Progress photos:
    have been moved to the Mini-Goal Photo Album.

    Other helpful links related to the Ideal Protein diet:
    Dr. Chanh Tran Tien's website
  • Good morning everyone hope you all have a great Monday.
  • Happy Monday, all!
    WE were able to turn off the AC and open the windows last night, it was heavenly to let the wind blow through the house. I planted some lettuce as a fall "crop" haha, I could eat all I planted in 1 sitting. I'm hoping that planting it close to the house, I should get some harvest before we get a freeze in Nov.
    NSV- my clothes in the closet are growing! More things for the give away pile!
    I am so thankful! 20 more pounds to go!
  • Good morning all. It is a lovely 42 degrees here and the smoke has blown out a bit, so it is quite lovely. Off to work with the sunroof open. Yay. Hope you all have a great day...

    I just learned how to use these things...
  • good morning..hope everyone has a great day!
  • Good morning all! Just finished reading all the weekend daily chat posts. It was a busy weekend, and I only had a chance to check it briefly Sunday am.

    It's so much easier to stay on top of the daily chat thread here at work =)
  • Good morning all! I just started IP today but have been lurking on this board forever (and posted a question awhile ago and you were all so helpful!)

    It's cooled down here in Michigan too. I love the fall weather! Pulled out the fall smelling candles last night. Cheap thrills.. heheh.

    Have a great Monday everyone!
  • Happy Monday!
    I was out of town all day yesterday. I was freaking out a bit cause it would be the first time I have eaten in a restaurant since starting IP.
    I had a salad at Subway, it was awesome - cost $5.50 - later we went for dinner at White Spot. I was specific with my ordering....a tossed salad w/a plain grilled chicken breast & a black coffee.
    I was SHOCKED when my bill came to $16! The "bit" of chicken breast couldn't have been more then 3 oz (it was tiny) & the salad consisted mainly of lettuce.
    I was proud of myself that I had no problem staying OP. I finally feel as though I have some control & it feels good!
  • My shirt doesn't fit!! My shirt doesn't fit!!

    What a wonderful Monday morning! Now, I happen to really like this shirt, bought it in April, but I REALLY like that it is too big even more!!
    And I'm going to wear it all day...just to feel good!!LOL

    Have a fantastic OP day everyone


    make it ALL ABOUT YOU this coming week!!!
    what is it YOU want to accomplish...to achieve??? YOU CAN DO IT!!!

  • It is going to be a great week everyone, I feel it in the crisp cool air!

    Today marks day 60 of IP and 19lbs lighter!

    Despite a day 1 cheat last week--see previous post about Zac from Zac Brown band offering me a drink (Jack and DC)--I am down another 1.4lbs.

    A few NSVs:
    1.I am wearing a size 6 dress today that I haven't been able to fit into for years...and it is loose on top!
    2. My local Shop Rite sells WF tomato basil and garlic herb pasta sauces AND I found fresh rhubarb there as well!!!

    I started going back to the gym last week...my body fat % has not changed for a few weekS. What is with that? Any solutions to see it budge?
  • Good Morning everyone! Looking forward to a nice Monday and the upcoming fall weather! Hoping for another productive weight loss week!

    Also, welcome to all of the new folks!
  • i was a little bit distracted this morning... i left the house without my pants!! im wearing a dress that comes to mid thigh which is a little shorter than I am comfortable with, so I wear legging type pants. However, I have Mastiff type dogs who are very sloobery so I dont put the leggings on first thing. Today I realized i had not put them on at all when i sat down in my car. brrr. cold leather Oh well, at least i caught it before i got all the way to work.
  • Good Morning Ipers. After a nice long weekend of our huge fair and wedding planning I am down another 2.6 lbs..... almost to 60 lbs lost.... wahoo. Walked around the fair with DH and although was tempted by the funnel cakes, I was actually discusted with the stand that was literally all fried food including a deep fried krispy kreme dognut cheeseburger. Gag..... I packed some snacks like a bar, and some zuc chips I made to taste like apple pie chips. My DH found me something to eat. One of the stands is a big huge burger stand. They make a plane burger cooked on onions. So I held the cooked onions and ate half the burger minus the bun. It let me feel like I got fair food without the bad juju stuff. Life is looking pretty good right now. I am supprised with my WI this morning just as TOM comes again.

    Today's Quote:

    “Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.” – Oliver Goldsmith
  • Quote: Good Morning Ipers. After a nice long weekend of our huge fair and wedding planning I am down another 2.6 lbs..... almost to 60 lbs lost.... wahoo. Walked around the fair with DH and although was tempted by the funnel cakes, I was actually discusted with the stand that was literally all fried food including a deep fried krispy kreme dognut cheeseburger. Gag..... I packed some snacks like a bar, and some zuc chips I made to taste like apple pie chips. My DH found me something to eat. One of the stands is a big huge burger stand. They make a plane burger cooked on onions. So I held the cooked onions and ate half the burger minus the bun. It let me feel like I got fair food without the bad juju stuff. Life is looking pretty good right now. I am supprised with my WI this morning just as TOM comes again.

    Today's Quote:

    “Success consists of getting up just one more time than you fall.” – Oliver Goldsmith
    way to go on making good choices at the fair AND for another gret loss this week!!!