New...another "again"-er

  • My high weight after college was 160. I managed to lose 20 lbs and keep those off for good, but it seems the last few years I've been bouncing between 130 and 140 and not able to stick to healthy eating/regular exercise.

    This past January, the day before I left for a week long conference, I had to run out and buy dress pants that were big enough as I had crept (rocketed?) back up to 143 the previous couple of months. This year I've been slowly losing, was stuck at an acceptable 131ish over the summer, but have gained back a bit recently due to poor eating and not enough exercise.

    My main goal is to continue eating healthfully, exercise regularly, and quit this cycle of "again". I have a friend supporting me, but she's at a much different spot in her weight loss journey (much heavier/longer way to go) and if she's off the wagon for even a couple of days it derails me, so I'm giving these forums a try. With that, I'm off to do some kickboxing before work!
  • Hi, atmos! I have a bit more to lose than you do, but I have similar issues with gaining and losing the same fifteen to twenty pounds. I get really discouraged with my exercising easily, and I love to cook, so that's not such a good combination. I started a cookie diet yesterday that allows me to make my own meals in the evenings. It went pretty well!

    I'm sure you'll be successful this time around! Here's to not having to say "again" about our weight.

    Best wishes!
  • Welcome. I too have the yo-yo weight problem. It is mainly due to my own lack of will power, I have found it again and am working to stay on track.

    Good luck.