Fantastic show!

  • I just discovered this show, and I love it. Enjoy!
  • LOVE! Thanks for sharing! I'm hooked!
  • Look up supersize vs super skinny also, I love UK TV, lol!
  • LockItUp - Me too! I watched two episodes last night and am actually excited to dig into more this evening.

    Ghost - I've seen that one as well and really enjoy it. I think of the two, I prefer "Secret Eaters" because it's fun and cheeky, informative, and it actually reminds me a lot of some of the folks on these forums (I know, I know... horrible to say but it's so true!)
  • Thanks for this recommendation. Very interesting. I remember before I lost weight taking out the trash Sunday night and being astonished at the volume and quality of food I had consumed that weekend.
  • I've seen this show and love it too! I love all of the "medical miracles" who can't seem to lose weight even though they barely eat anything - and then they reveal the banquet table of all the food they've actually eaten! I can so relate...
  • I love these British food shows- wish they showed them on TV here in Canada!
  • Wow, thanks for sharing. I really enjoyed it! :-)