Last here 1/08 Menopause and Frustration Abounds!

  • I feel like a deserter, since I never follow through on my weight loss goals. It's been a while and I'm right back where I started from. Been pushing menopause and 300 pounds around for a while now. Met my now Husband over 20 years ago at the weight of about 190, he's lost some weight and I found it, plus some. I don't even have the motivation now to try, just thought if maybe I hang around here a little everyday, I might find some! I have to redo my weight tracker, since it no longer is correct.
  • Welcome back Karen!
    Take things one day at a time and make the healthiest choices you can each day. Don't beat yourself up or quit if you have a bad meal or day.
    I have been trying to lose my last 10 lbs for the last 6 months and I am not making any postive progress but I keep trying.
    Stick around the forum, you will get a ton of information and support here. You can do it!!!
  • Welcome back Karen.

    Use this site! Seriously. It will keep you motivated. Like NEMom said take it a MEAL at a time. If you screw up and eat say a snack off plan, then don't eat the next thing off plan. PERIOD. As long as you keep at it, you will lose weight. Maybe not as quickly as you want, but it will happen.
  • Thanks!
    Such great advice, to just make smart choices at each meal. It sounds so much more uncomplicated to be sure I have healthy food in the house so I can make the right choice and not just grab the quickest thing, which usually doesn't satisfy me anyway.

    NEMom...I hope you can kick those last 10 to the curb soon!

    SerenityDiva...I believe you are right. As long as I keep visiting here on a daily basis, I may just have a shot this time!

    Thank you both!
  • I feel your pain...coming off the heels of a hysterectomy in April,.....menopause is knocking at my back door. i tried pretending I wasnt home but he's not listening. and i have determined menopause is a man, cause no woman could be this mean and ugly...i have not gained anything but also haven't lost anything! Nothing, nada, zilch....and iam eating 1200 calories and exercising five days a week. ugh!
  • mommythree...I congratulate you you on your sticking to your plan! Even thinking about what energy it must take to motivate yourself to exercise when you don't see results takes real courage. Hang in there!
  • aw...thanks karen...just take it one day at a time. even small changes can add up.
  • I'm new too, but what's really helped me so far is using a website to track my daily food intake. There's no way I could do it without it.
  • back!! Good luck with your efforts!