I've Reached a New Low!

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  • My official weigh-in at yesterday's TOPS meeting set me at the lowest weight I've reached in the past 12 years. Here are a few comparison photos:

    On the left is close to my highest weight of 360, which was taken several years back. The middle photo is this past January when I was about 267, and the one on the right is last month when I was nearing my current weight of 242. I've lost a total of 118 pounds and only have 22 more to reach my lowest adult weight ever. Anything beyond that is uncharted territory, but I know I can do it. I'm currently averaging about a five pound loss each month since my reboot in March and hope to get somewhere down to the 2-teens by the end of the year. Here's a chart showing the the progress of my last 25 pounds:

    And here is the app I used to create the chart.

    Also for the first time in 12 years, I'm in a size 20 jeans. I'm not even sure what size I got up to, all I know is that I couldn't even find jeans big enough for me in the plus-sized stores so everything I wore had to have an elastic waist. The last time I hit 220 I was in my early twenties and wore a size 14/15, and reaching that point again would make me absolutely ecstatic. We'll see what happens in the coming months.

    ETA: New comparison set! Another photo of my old self, with a new one from yesterday:

    I decided to go window-shopping after initially making this post, thus the new photo. I'm super-excited since I tried on a ladies' XL and it fit me! I also tried on an 18 jeans and was able to fasten them!!! I nearly fainted. In the left photo, I'm wearing a men's 4X and some sort of elastic-banded pants, the only ones I could find off the rack that would go around my stomach at the time.
  • Congratulations on a great job !
  • Way to go Elladorine!!! You look beautiful. I can see such a difference. My goal is to be in the teo-teens near the end of the year too We can do this! Keep up the good work.
  • re:
    WOW! You look great!
  • u go girl! my goal is to b oout of the 200s by years end but ill b happy with any steady decline at this point!
  • You look great Elladorine; congratulations!
  • Massive congratulations to you, what a fab transformation!
  • Looking good! Congrats!
  • C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!!!

    You look great!
  • Congrats and thank you for sharing!!
  • Congrats!!!!
  • You look great!!!
  • Congrats on all your success!
  • great job!!
  • Thank you everyone, it means so much! I've actually been around 3FC for much longer than my profile states, and the members here have provided inspiration for me since 2004. I doubt I would have made it so far without all the resources, advice, experience, and friendships that I've witnessed from the members. I hope I can continue to look to you all for your help and continued support in the coming years, and I hope I can provide the same for you all as well.