online exercise videos

  • Hey, Anyone know of any good online exercise videos - - I've been doing this one lately and it feels good but it's not making any difference, maybe because it's only ten minutes(???)

    I know realistically that it won't give me what it says in the title, but I'd like a slightly smaller waist, more toned butt and legs, is that really so much to ask?

    Is it harmful to do the same exercise video too many times (ie. If I were to repeat once in morning, once in evening would that be bad?)

    What has worked for other people?
  • I dont knwo if its harmful (i doubt it) but I do know that you will hit a plateau after a while (where you will no longer see results) because your body is used to the exercise.

    This girl on youtube(/user/blogilates] she has a blog as well) does workout videos (she has quite a few. I love the poplaties challenges) and her blog has a ton of cool stuff as well! I would definitively check out both
  • oh, and her blog is blogilates dot com