Thread Titles I Wish I Could Write

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  • -Why am I losing weight so quickly?

    -I blinked and I was at goal!

    -Rant - Why is it so hard to find clothing in smaller sizes?

    -I can't remember the last time I had a craving - what's wrong with me?

    -Help! Stress makes my appetite disappear!

    -I am living proof that it's possible to lose weight during PMS!

    -I gave up chocolate for Lent, and now I can't stand the sight of it!

    -Waaa! People hate me because I'm thin and beautiful!

    -Unwanted weight loss over vacation - what to do to put the pounds back on?

    -How in the world am I going to eat all of my allotted calories today?

    -It's so annoying having to pass all those slow pokes on the bike path!

    Those are just a few I can think of that I wish I could write! Blurp.
  • Ha! Thanks for a good laugh!
  • Hahaha!!! Made my breakfast for sure!
  • "All I seem to crave these days are broccoli, green salads, and fresh fruit"
    "Had to throw birthday cake away because it was moldy"
    "My butt's so tiny I keep falling in while peeing!"
    "Sometimes I just forget to eat. Anyone else?"
  • Those are some good ones! It's either laugh or cry, right?
  • These are all great.

    How about:

    I keep forgetting to eat!
    Kale: tastier than a cookie!
  • I had another woosh this week!

    It's become so easy to find pants that for properly!

    My size 6s are getting baggy!

    I never want pasta or potatoes anymore!

    It's so easy to put away the chips after just a few bites!
  • Bought Girl Scout Kale Chips Today

  • How about -

    -Who knew? Lettuce wraps are actually tastier than burritos!
  • Kind of embarrassed; my nephew can put his arms around me twice!

    What a fun thread, Guac!
  • This really made me laugh! How about - How can I get people from constantly asking about my buff arms.
  • How about: Getting worried - too many whooshes? Or, Oh no! Where'd my stretch marks go?
  • I'm laughing with tears in my eyes right now!! You guys are funny
  • How about these...
    How can I keep my husbands hands off of me?

    HELP! I can't find pants small enough

    Anyone else have a problem enjoying ice cream?

    I am spending soooo much having my clothes taken in

    I wish they made smaller portions at (insert favorite restaurant here)

  • Thread Titles
    "I Woke Up this Morning and - Where's My Extra Weight?"