What would you do? Traveling for an interview.

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  • So here's the situation:

    DH was called for an interview next week across the country. It's for a job in a place where we both REALLY want to live. There was no preliminary interview process; he applied, they called and asked him to fly out early next week at his own expense. They also offered to conduct the interview via Skype.

    Flights are outrageous and such a purchase at this time is near impossible. The Skype offer is tempting, but he doesn't want to end up at a disadvantage.

    We want it. Bad. What would you do? Bite the bullet and cough up the airfare or chance it with Skype? Any positive experiences with remote interviews?
  • I have never personally been in a situation like this with a job... But honestly, I think just a general rule for applying for jobs and even just life in general, that if you REALLY want something, sometimes you have to put yourself out there, take a chance, and trust in fate. Good luck! I hope everything works out for you!
  • By impossible do you mean that there aren't free seats or it's prohibitively expensive?

    1) How many people are being considered at this stage? If it's more than 2-3, I probably wouldn't fly.

    2) Is there any possibility of having a longer interview or meeting more people if he's there in person? (I'm thinking of the "we liked you so much we made up a position for you even though you didn't get the one you applied for" situation.) Would they be able to refer him for any other positions?

    3) Can he visit other employers in the area if he flies out?

    probably most importantly - 4) Do you have the money to pay for the flights or would they go on a credit card?
  • Oh but here's another thing. My dad had a similar situation where he won a snowmobile at an auction, and he either had to pay a company to drive it over here (very expensive) fly out there and rent a car and drive it home (also very expensive) , Or just drive out there in our car. He drove our car, and saved an enormous amount of money. So maybe he could drive? I dot know. Just a thought. Good luck!
  • I don't think a SKYPE interview would place him at a disadvantage, especially considering that the flight would be on his/your tab.

    Treat SKYPE like a live in person interview, have him put on his best suit, shave and go for it.
  • At his own expense sounds fishy...I applied for a low paying job with a well known airline and they flew me there. If the company is truly interested in him, they'd fly him there.

    I think it's impractical to fly there personally, but I'm not even frugal anymore and have become cheap, so what do I know? It's just a principle thing, like unpaid internships. What kind of desperate person works for free??
  • Quote: I don't think a SKYPE interview would place him at a disadvantage, especially considering that the flight would be on his/your tab.

    Treat SKYPE like a live in person interview, have him put on his best suit, shave and go for it.
    I agree.
  • I think that is very strange that he is expected to pay his own airfare. I would go for Skype and as suggested, dress as you would for a personal interview in a nice setting, no dogs barking r babies crying, no dirty dishes in the sink if you have to be in the kitchen.
  • Quote: I have never personally been in a situation like this with a job... But honestly, I think just a general rule for applying for jobs and even just life in general, that if you REALLY want something, sometimes you have to put yourself out there, take a chance, and trust in fate. Good luck! I hope everything works out for you!
    This is one of my mottos too, but man it's a lot of money! I'm a big believer in "leap and the net will appear".
    Quote: By impossible do you mean that there aren't free seats or it's prohibitively expensive?

    1) How many people are being considered at this stage? If it's more than 2-3, I probably wouldn't fly.

    2) Is there any possibility of having a longer interview or meeting more people if he's there in person? (I'm thinking of the "we liked you so much we made up a position for you even though you didn't get the one you applied for" situation.) Would they be able to refer him for any other positions?

    3) Can he visit other employers in the area if he flies out?

    probably most importantly - 4) Do you have the money to pay for the flights or would they go on a credit card?
    We would not be putting it on a cc and it would make the rest of the month very difficult. Beans and rice difficult. Flights are available, but between that, car rental, food, hotel, etc... it would be a big expense right now. I think that's an excellent inquiry, how many people are being considered and who he will meet with. I thought it was odd to ask him out without a preliminary interview, so I would imagine they haven't narrowed the field at all. That's definitely something to consider.
    Quote: At his own expense sounds fishy...I applied for a low paying job with a well known airline and they flew me there. If the company is truly interested in him, they'd fly him there.

    I think it's impractical to fly there personally, but I'm not even frugal anymore and have become cheap, so what do I know? It's just a principle thing, like unpaid internships. What kind of desperate person works for free??
    The "company" is actually a public university, so I imagine it has more to do with tax dollars than anything else. But it is odd. It's not like president of the college, but it's an upper level position. The college he's at now hasn't paid to bring candidates out either, so this may be a standard practice. Plus, I doubt few (if any) candidates are local as it's a small college town.

    Thank you for the reassurance that Skype is not a kiss-of-death. I've only ever interviewed by phone or in person so it's new territory to me. Time to get the suit to the cleaners I suppose!
  • I'm looking at it the opposite way. I think one would be at a disadvantage if not going in person.

    I would also let him go alone. I would not go with him. Would he have to stay overnight?
  • Oh I'm definitely not going. Drag an 8 month old across the country for an interview and then come home the next day? Yikes!

    My original inclination is that yes, not going is a disadvantage, but it's such an enormous expense. I think I'll feel a little more confident when DH speaks with the coordinator later on.
  • One of my friends is a lawyer and he got his current job via a Skype interview.
  • Quote: One of my friends is a lawyer and he got his current job via a Skype interview.
    Awesome! Know off hand if he mentioned anything in particular that might have helped (of course, aside from the fact he was perfect for the job and nailed the interview )?
  • Quote: Awesome! Know off hand if he mentioned anything in particular that might have helped (of course, aside from the fact he was perfect for the job and nailed the interview )?
    Prior to the interview he figured out where in the house he had the best internet/skype connnection, he made sure that he was home alone (no distractions), made sure the house was clean and tidy, and he dressed as if he were going into work (suit, clean shave, etc).
  • Is this an academic job? I would NOT pay for my own ticket for an academic job--it is standard practice for the college/university to pay all expenses for a campus flyout. There's something dodgy if they won't reimburse him for all flight and hotel expenses (and usually they reimburse you for coffee and meals you buy in airports as well).

    (Check out the fora at the Chronicle.com--there's lots on this sort of thing.) I believe that community colleges often have you pay your own way...very shoddy.