April 3, 2003

  • Starting the thread-will try to be back later to post but have been real busy with my uncle. I think he will probably go today. The doctor is coming to make a house call this morning-one of the advantages of living in a small town. I lost 2.6 at WW last night-YEE HA!!!! I feel so good. Got my hair cut and colored yesterday too. Will try to post later.
  • Quick reply -

    I'm so sorry to hear about your uncle - if you need any online support we're here for you.
    Great job on the weigh-in!

    I moved some stuff over to the new place yesterday ... I have a lot of sh**. Humph. How did that happen? I've still got part of the kitchen to pack up - not much - my desk (computer & etc), some clothes, JEREMY'S entire room (UGH) and clothes. Yeah. And I'm moving on Saturday. But the place is awesome.
    And a friend came over yesterday and helped me pack up and move the crap. It was so good to see her.

    So I did read through the posts late last night (priority) but didn't respond because I know not many people are "on" after 6PM.

    Talk to you later from work. I took the day off yesterday, so who knows how much I've got to do today. UGH.

    Have a good one ... gotta get the kid to school!
  • Journal thread
    I started a journal thread for the rest of this week.

    I normally don't eat SO under range (from today's post) but I am trying to get more h20 into me and de-tox the CRAP out of my system. I get done w/ classes so late that i just cant' fit more points in for today ... it would defeat the purpose if I ate so much so late.
    And my fridge is empty anyhow since I'm outta here by Saturday.
    Anyhoo ... join me!
  • Good morning girls!

    Robin - yay on your loss and hair, booh on your uncle. Sorry to hear that. Some of my friends in Ireland are struggling too - they lost thier sister on monday and the brother died last night. That leaves one sibling (another sister was lost a few years back). Its been a gloomy week...

    Kier - YaY on the ring!! I am so excited for you girl, its all coming together!!

    Deb - hey, long time no chat! I can relate on the moving stuff - we are STILL not unpacked fully and we need more tables nad things for our bric a brac....yup, you certainly accumulate crap!!

    Well have a good OP day - I don't know if I can write again but I'll try!!

  • Wow it's quiet,

    Hi y'all,

    I hope all is going well, I have just been so busy as of late that I don't even have time to breathe sometime... I am hoping to find a job. I keep getting job offers for jobs I can't take... At least I interview well

    Anyhoo, I hope all is going well.

    Belle: I read last week that you'll just be going to Montreal, I am so sure I could make it up for an evening! I'll try and PM you!

    Take care!

  • Hey, whatever happened to the photo thread? Should we start a new one?

    Robin: Sorry to hear about your uncle. We're all here for support!

    Kier: That ring sound fabulous! Mine is just under a half-carat, but I do love it.

    Deb: Good luck moving! As someone who just moved a month ago, I can relate! It's no fun, and we had movers! (Thanks to my new job they were paid for.) But the packing and cleaning and unpacking is a pain!

    Hi Belle, Ali, and anyone else out there!

    Someone cheer me up quick. I don't feel well today (that time of the month) and I'm cranky. I have to work until 10 p.m. so I'm not thrilled about that, either.
  • Hello to you all! This is my first time chatting on here but I've been on WW's for 2 years and have heard so many members talk about this site, soooo- here I am!!
    Look forward to sharing this wonderful journey of weight loss with others besides myself!

    ~Robyn in PA~