New To Beck Diet Solution

  • I saw the Beck Diet Solution referenced in another thread and then visited this Beck thread to learn more. I googled the book and then bought a copy. Today I'm on Day 2. I'm still trying to commit to 2 diet plans. I'm leaning towards WW since it's healthy and very supportive, but I've joined and quit so many times, that I'm afraid. I did stick to it once for over a year and lost 55 lbs! I've since gained it all back plus some, and have joined and quit about 7 or 8 times in the past 5 years. I'm at the point now where I have zero confidence in myself for following any food plan. Does your confidence increase with the Beck plan? Should I buy the Beck diet book also?
  • Welcome to the Beck world, vegasgal!!!

    Yep, the Beck strategies are just what's needed to stick to a chosen eating plan. Confidence builds as you acknowledge that you're not only sticking to your plan, but that you know that you have the skills to continue to do so. Most of us have a history that includes weight lost and then regained (plus some), when we charge forth using our gut intuitions to stay the course. Seems that it's our gut intuitions that helped us gain the weight in the first place and they help us put it back on.

    My take is that your best bet is to work with the single Beck book that you've started with. In the years ahead, there'll be plenty of time to try the Green book when you're ready for a refresher.

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