Any plans for the weekend, Atkins peeps?

  • I live a boring life so I like to know what others do on the!

    Mine will be, grocery shopping, doing laundry, sewing, cooking.

    I typically make a week's worth of lunches and dinners on Sunday so I have no excuse to stray from the plan during the week.

    Not sure if my brother will be coming over. Im hoping he will because I have A LOT of carby foods to get rid of and I know his kids will eat them [cookies, burritos, cereals...].

    And of course, in between the cleaning and cooking, I'll try and get some exercise in.
  • lol if thats your boring life then I am super boring...I will have Sabbath tonight at sundown until tomorrow at sundown. That means I rest and don't stress about all the things I *should* be doing! I hope I can sew because I love to sew and never get any time to do so.

    Sunday I will probably cook and clean and dream of sewing while I grocery shop also lol

    Today I am cleaning and getting fun activities ready for the kids in preparation for our day of rest. Just stopped to eat some food and check in

    whatcha sewing? I am doing a ring sling and mama cloth pads...Then I hope to start wrap skirts, and childrens longjohns (after I copy the insanely crazy pattern from this ottobre book).;..I should have atleast one of the above done before October at this rate! LOL
  • I have pants and skirts that are WAY too long that I need to hem. I find since losing weight my clothes are just getting longer! LOL!

    Wrap skirts would be great to sew too and easy peasy! I wish I hadnt given away my sewing machine. Gotta buy a new one...
  • Hi. I am not a Carb counter though i do have to limit my carbs and I dont do atkins diet but i found your thread when doing a search on gallbladders. I have been diagnosed with Bialary Dyskezia(sp?) and i am debating having my gallbladder removed which causes me daily pain. The only thing is i have read of some people having unexplained weight gain that they cant stop after removal. Have any of you had this problem and is there anything you can do to stop or fight it? Was it worth having it removed? Do most people have weight gain as a side effect of having gallbladder removed? Thanks for listening.

    Rho1640 already helped me some. Thanks.
  • Tonight I'm bbqing at a friends house and then depending on the weather forecast maybe another quick camping trip with my son. I'm off work right now on vacation until the 22nd so next week will be getting the house super clean and getting my son ready for four weeks of sports and culture camps. I need to get online and order him athletic shoes, cleats, socks and a mit for baseball.
  • Quote: Hi. I am not a Carb counter though i do have to limit my carbs and I dont do atkins diet but i found your thread when doing a search on gallbladders. I have been diagnosed with Bialary Dyskezia(sp?) and i am debating having my gallbladder removed which causes me daily pain. The only thing is i have read of some people having unexplained weight gain that they cant stop after removal. Have any of you had this problem and is there anything you can do to stop or fight it? Was it worth having it removed? Do most people have weight gain as a side effect of having gallbladder removed? Thanks for listening.

    Rho1640 already helped me some. Thanks.
    I read about weight gain before having it removed. I'm glad I did because I was having attacks once a week and usually on my way home from work - stuck on a bus or subway. Not fun! I gained 10lbs immediately after the surgery from the fluids and gas and I think it DID stall my weight loss and put me in a plateau but I don't think I'll gain weight because I've had gastric bypass surgery. I've heard of people gaining weight after removing it but I dont think it happens to everyone. My boss had hers out and she weighs maybe 95lbs and hasnt gained any weight. My aunt had hers out and didnt gain weight either.

    I think if you're prone to easy weight gain it might make it more challenging to lose weight but I think it can be done.
  • I have a fun picnic in a park planned tomorrow with family and friends....I think there will be lots of carb friendly food there....and alcohol which I will most definitely stay away from.

    Have a great weekend everyone
  • Picnics and BBQs this time of year are just so fantastic for low carbers! endless array of grilled meats and veggies...and my fave...devilled eggs! Nom..nom...nom!
  • Hahaha! I just magically turned a dozen eggs into two dozen deviled eggs! My sone calls it magic because it's so fast. Now he's chomping at the bit to eat them but he has to wait for the BBQ to start. I've got big cuts of pork shank to throw on the grill and two salmon filets too, very Atkins friendly food.
  • I am going out to the lake. They have a floating restaurant and have live bands on Fri-Sat nights. Tomorow I am going to a Peach festival. My FAVVVVVVVVVVV thing in the whole world is homemade peach ice cream. NO I am not going to have any ( I hope ) BUT I do buy quite a bit and give to my family. Sunday I hope to just be lazy as heck and be in the pool all day
  • Simona, I am with you. Running a household is hard work!

    I am jealous islandchick, that sounds nice!