First Goal Met: 5% of body weight lost!

  • Yay! I Finally met my first goal of many!

    This is exciting. I've never actually met a weight loss goal before

    Anyway. On to the next one! Thanks for your support everyone!
  • Congrats!
  • Yay great job! Today I also made it to that 5% loss! It definately feels so great! keep up the good work!!

  • Thanks!!!! You too!

    Whee! Next stop, Onderland!
  • congrats! keep chuggin' along! (:
  • M3K...wonderful job! Keep up the good work

  • Yay! That is a huge accomplishment!
  • Hurray!
    Quote: Yay! I Finally met my first goal of many!

    This is exciting. I've never actually met a weight loss goal before

    Anyway. On to the next one! Thanks for your support everyone!
    Your first big stepping stone to your total weight loss goal. Wow, 5%. Gives you real incentive to set that second goal and keep going. Good job!
  • Thanks! Unfortunately, I packed on a few on vacation (although I'm sure it's water weight). So we'll have to see how this pans out!
  • Congratulations! I also lost my 5% this week. If it wasn't for 3FC, I'm not sure I would have thought to make these measurable mini-goals. I'm not working toward the next one!