Abdomen excercise for a real beginner?

  • So I am more than half way through C25k program and I love it. It is such an amazing way to get a real beginner moving, and it did not make me feel like a failure. Quite on the contrary, I am now considering longer runs as a regular part of my future, something I could never imagine happen before!

    While my legs are getting stronger, my abdomen is a real disaster. No exercising and having twins left me with an ugly "muffin top" and I would like to do something about it. I do not expect miracles, and I realize I need to lose weight too, but getting my abdominal muscles stronger should surely help at least a little!

    So, here is my question: is there any free program/video for real beginners to follow when building up their abs? I would love to follow something gradual that would not leave me feel crippled after the first workout, and would build up my resistance gradually...also, I (for various reasons) cannot go to a gym so it needs to be a home exercise.

    Many thanks for your tips!
  • Just look up how to do planks and side planks (even starting with modified planks) and do those for a few minutes a day. The real difference in appearance will come with weight loss, but a strong core leads to good running. You don't need a half hour long insanity shredding ripped workout.
  • The stomach area is indeed one of the hardest areas to work on. I myself struggled (and is still struggling) with losing the fat around my belly. One thing I have learned is that it is impossible to burn fat off from just one area of the body. So integrating cardio and core exercises with abdominal exercises will yield better results.

    I think the best abdominal exercise for beginners are crunches, hip raises and planks. You can easily find free resources on abdominal exercises or routines online. Try doing a search in youtube. But if you want more structure, you can consider investing on Fit Yummy Mummy. Being a busy Mom myself, I find this program really helpful.
  • Quote: Just look up how to do planks and side planks (even starting with modified planks) and do those for a few minutes a day. The real difference in appearance will come with weight loss, but a strong core leads to good running. You don't need a half hour long insanity shredding ripped workout.

    Planks and side planks are an awesome place to start. They work all your core muscles.

    Start by holding them for 15 seconds, 3 times, and work up to holding them for 60 or 90 or even 120 seconds, 3 times.

    No core exercise will make your stomach slimmer, but it will make you stronger.