New person, seek support and assistance.

  • Hi there everyone,

    I am new to this site, so forgive me if I come across a little strange. I have been battling weight for YEARS and have been fighting depression from many miscarriages and a huge lack of self confidence. I feel as though I don't have much support from those around me, as much as I believe I would like them to help. I find it tough to keep motivated and focused on any food plans, etc.

    It's been a long and tough battle and now I fear for my life and my family.

    I am glad I have found this site and hope I can get moving and talk to anyone who has faced similar challenges and succeeded or are on their way there. Please feel free to reply. Look forward to hearing from someone.

    Thanks for reading this

  • This is the place to find encouragement, inspiration and support. Best wishes on your journey. Post often
  • Yes!! This is a great site and awesome community, you can do it, don't give up!! Lots of people here to love you
  • Imprezalot, welcome, glad to have you join us. I suggest you look for a Challenge or Support group to join; small check-in groups make it easier to connect, get involved, and be accountable. We have groups centering around specific diets, themes, or age, so find one that inspires you and just post to join! For a start, be sure to check out Aussie Chicks and Dieting with Obstacles to connect with others fighting depression.
  • I have been on this site for 2 days and they have inspired me to just do it!! I downloaded a calorie counter app for my iPod to help me keep on track and I started the Jillian Micheals 30 Day Shred!! It's amazing so much support it is fantastic. Depression is difficult to work through with weight loss (I struggled with post partum) I feel like I am worth feeling good again because of this site
  • Hey there!
    I'm new as well and also have battled depression which is a major hurdle successful weight loss.

    I'm sure posting will help you build a support group and also be sure to post your small achievements (even when you ate 1/2 a candy bar instead of a whole 1 ... that's a step in the right direction) because I'm sure that's going to help you be accountable!

    Good luck and happy posting.
  • Welcome! I'm fairly new too, and have depression. I'm working on just looking at one day at a time and at being kind to myself if I eat something I don't consider healthy. No more negative self-talk!

    Good luck!
  • Thanks everyone who has said hello I am finding my first challenge is to navigate this site first so I do hope to get to say a few personal hellos as I discover my way around. I am 55 and weigh 185 kilo not exactly sure what that is in pounds probably around 400 I guess a massive person so my journey will be a long one and I hope to succeed I look forward to any support an hope I can support others too on my journey to good health. I will look at the challenges and support sites as suggested. Well here goes its winter here and walking is hard for me and swimming is too cold so I must find exercise at home low impact in a chair as I have a bad back. This is my first challenge to do it daily along with cutting down on sugars. It's a start.
  • Quote: Hey there!
    I'm new as well and also have battled depression which is a major hurdle successful weight loss.

    I'm sure posting will help you build a support group and also be sure to post your small achievements (even when you ate 1/2 a candy bar instead of a whole 1 ... that's a step in the right direction) because I'm sure that's going to help you be accountable!

    Good luck and happy posting.
    It's nice to hear from you, as a matter of fact I was born in Toronto and would love to go back to Canada. I will try and build a support group and try not to beat myself up every time I eat something I should't. Thanks for your support today. This is my first time ever on a forum too.
  • Welcome and good luck !
  • The key is to go slowly. Don't try to lose all of the weight in a short period of time. Try to change your eating habits first, figure out what you can cut out. Try to lose a little each week, even a pound a week makes a big difference over a year. Also try to start being active physically. Even just walking a little or taking one or two flights of stairs when you get a chance will get you moving in the right direction. Don't beat yourself up, take charge. It looks like you already started, be encouraged by your small victories. Remember, a journey of 1,000 miles begins with a single step. Good luck.
  • Good luck to you and everyone ..... im sure we ALL CAN DO IT ......