Home of the 100% Vol 9

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  • WOW WOW WOW....is all I can say. I go away for a few days and y'all have gone over 500 post already. It hasn't even been a month yet since I opened Vol. 8. This is WONDERFUL to know that we have SOOOOO many who are following the protocol 100% and having success as we all are. Congrats to Each and Everyone of you, My ideal family.....I came back from New Orleans and Vol 8 was closed!!!!
  • Hey all... Made of though another weekend... Tomorrow makes the 11 month mark... Can't believe I've made it this far... Looking forward to see what the next couple of months will bring... I'm glad the weather is warmer... Definitely makes it easier to drink all this water
  • WOW....I go away for the day to New Orleans and I come back to the thread being CLOSED!!....I freaked out just a little bit....lol....I WALKED WALKED AND WALKED some more today but y'all know what????....it didn't bother me one bit, Steven even made the comment "mom slow down..geeze" I guess I was just walking and not noticed how fast I was walking. We parked on the river, walked to the french market, then down to Bourbon St then back to the river. We got there at noon and didn't leave until 630 so I guess I got a little exercise today....lol. They were all drinking, I had my bottle of water (1 liter) the GF's mom said what do you want to drink? I said nothing I have my water she said NOOOO I mean this kinda drink, pointing to her hurricane....I said nope can't have it and don't want it I'll keep drinking my water! THEN they go into the Candy store to get candy, pralines AND Caramel apples so I put a piece of gum in my mouth while I am waiting for them outside cuz I KNEW they were going to ask if I wanted some. I was right...when they came out they were like YOU GOTTA TASTE THIS....I said no thanks I just put a piece of gum in my mouth. Steven looks at me, rolls his eyes and lips to me....MOM I am sorry....I just smiled, winked at him and said I got this...he said OH I KNOW you do....lol...it was a good time but I was glad to come home
  • Congrats Jelly!! Wow 11 months

    And Congrats Wuv for not murdering a kid today LOL.

    Well, I have had a fairly boring, dull weekend so far, but its Canada Day here so we have tomorrow off, so all packed up and off to the lake tomorrow with the 'other' chicks in my life (wife and 3 daughters and female dog). Should be a good day, supposed to be hot and sunny. Likely have to drag the kids around on the tube all day.

    As far as IP goes, I do beleive I have figured out my problem...or one of my problems regarding slow losses. I for sure was out of ketosis (not sure how) but the last 2 days have been he!!, headaches, and all the crap from week one, but down 3 pounds in the last week, so it appears I screwed something up, but dont know what. Supposed to be on P2 for the holiday this week but when I saw the scale moving P1 it was...Im going to change my coaches plan, and stay P1 until 3 days before we go then do 3 days of P3 then resume P1 when I get back home to finish up to my goal. Should be interesting...Glad the headaches are over-WOW they were gooders...
  • Just got home and too wired from driving to sleep so I thought I would check in. Volume 9, amazing...seems like we whiz through these'. Good for us big loosens!

    Well I stayed 100% through another vacation and can't wait to see what the scale says tomorrow!

    Glad to be back and I will hopefully get caught up soon.
  • I haven't quite figured out where I am supposed to post if I have a question. So if this isn't it then I'm sorry. My quick question is: I made roasted zucchini tonight and measured out a cup when I roasted it it obviously shrank. Am I supposed to count the cup of veggies when they are cooked or uncooked? They were delicious by the way.

    Thank you!!!
  • Quote: I haven't quite figured out where I am supposed to post if I have a question. So if this isn't it then I'm sorry. My quick question is: I made roasted zucchini tonight and measured out a cup when I roasted it it obviously shrank. Am I supposed to count the cup of veggies when they are cooked or uncooked? They were delicious by the way.

    Thank you!!!
    Best place to post is in the daily thread, it gets tons of action so you will get a quick answer.

    Always measure your meats and veggies pre-cooked...
  • I have a general IP question...How come NOBODY, myself included seems to get told that you weigh your veggies and meats uncooked?? I swear each and every new member here asks this question, as did I when I joined...

    Pretty sure its a coaching conspiracy of some sort...
  • Hey Everybody
    I have to say, I have missed you all.
    Just popping in to say hi. I have been away from the computer for a couple weeks, I had to make a conscious effort to try to stay away from the computer a bit because I was spending way to much time on here. (and on Facebook and playing games on Facebook) School ended for my DD and I was always on the computer then had to rush to get my daily stuff done and to get ready for the big party we are having this month. My DD starts camp today so I am glad that I made time for her the last couple weeks. I wish I could learn moderation when it comes to the internet. lol

    Congrats on all the losses !!! ( I had lost 2 lbs last week)

    Dana, Gonnabe50,- - Love seeing your pics, what pretty ladies you are
    Liz, - you are stunning in your new pic and Jelly- wow you are a beauty.. your legs are rocking.
  • Happy 4th of July week all! It is going to be gloriously 100% OP. So this morning I did something I have pretty much avoided and weighed myself at home. I am sooo excited...unofficially I am beyond my 1/2 way there mark! Can't wait to officially be at the 1/2 way mark and am hopeful that it is there on Thursday!
  • Good morning, everyone! Hope you had a good weekend!

    Dana and Diana, your pictures are great! Wow, I never realized that waking up early was part of ketosis! I've been up earlier these past two weeks than ever!

    Today I'll say bye to my daughters and granddaughters and make the 4 hour trek home. It's been a great week and a half and tomorrow I'll have my second official WI, even though I had an unofficial one last week.

    Yesterday was the big birthday party for the one-year-old twins. I'm proud to say I stayed 100% OP the whole time, and the whole week, except once when I forgot to take my Cal-mags at night because I was so tired! This was really an experience to be prepared for this trip. I tried to cook whenever I could, but had RTDs and veggies ready for emergencies when the family went out for lunch or dinner. Luckily, two babies meant minimal restaurant time!

    It was fun when I took my 3 yr-old granddaughter to the Children's Museum and we stopped for a snack. She ate her Pirate's Booty (Cheese puffs) and I ate my SW cheese puffs. We were 2 happy ladies!

    Question: There was a deli platter last night and I decided to eat the roast beef and baked turkey on it for my meat. Couldn't weigh it before cooking because it was cooked already. I'm pretty sure that is OP, isn't it? It was the least processed of the meats. This is the first time I've had that kind of meat and not meat or fish that I cook. Is this ok? I will also ask my coach.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • Good morning all, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, they go by way too fast! NSV: Been shopping in my closet, amazing that I have another whole wardrobe since I dropped sizes (do we women ever get rid of too small clothes?). If I had waited too long to start trying on old clothes, they would be too big to wear. It all still feels sureal to be losing at the rate I am being a 59 yr old post menopausal woman

    Have a happy Monday all
  • Quote: Hey Everybody
    I have to say, I have missed you all.
    Just popping in to say hi. I have been away from the computer for a couple weeks, I had to make a conscious effort to try to stay away from the computer a bit because I was spending way to much time on here. (and on Facebook and playing games on Facebook) School ended for my DD and I was always on the computer then had to rush to get my daily stuff done and to get ready for the big party we are having this month. My DD starts camp today so I am glad that I made time for her the last couple weeks. I wish I could learn moderation when it comes to the internet. lol

    Congrats on all the losses !!! ( I had lost 2 lbs last week)

    Dana, Gonnabe50,- - Love seeing your pics, what pretty ladies you are
    Liz, - you are stunning in your new pic and Jelly- wow you are a beauty.. your legs are rocking.
    MISSED YOU!!!!!
  • Quote: Happy 4th of July week all! It is going to be gloriously 100% OP. So this morning I did something I have pretty much avoided and weighed myself at home. I am sooo excited...unofficially I am beyond my 1/2 way there mark! Can't wait to officially be at the 1/2 way mark and am hopeful that it is there on Thursday!
    HALF WAY....WOOT, WOOT!!!!!
  • Quote: Hey Everybody
    I have to say, I have missed you all.
    Just popping in to say hi. I have been away from the computer for a couple weeks, I had to make a conscious effort to try to stay away from the computer a bit because I was spending way to much time on here. (and on Facebook and playing games on Facebook) School ended for my DD and I was always on the computer then had to rush to get my daily stuff done and to get ready for the big party we are having this month. My DD starts camp today so I am glad that I made time for her the last couple weeks. I wish I could learn moderation when it comes to the internet. lol

    Congrats on all the losses !!! ( I had lost 2 lbs last week)

    Dana, Gonnabe50,- - Love seeing your pics, what pretty ladies you are
    Liz, - you are stunning in your new pic and Jelly- wow you are a beauty.. your legs are rocking.
    Congratulations Carol! Good to see your beautiful face today! You are a touch of sunshine! I understand about the staying off the computer, though. You kind of miss out on your Real life. But the friendships here feel real to me especially in our time of need on IP. You are a very big reason I come here.

    Quote: Good morning all, hope everyone had a wonderful weekend, they go by way too fast! NSV: Been shopping in my closet, amazing that I have another whole wardrobe since I dropped sizes (do we women ever get rid of too small clothes?). If I had waited too long to start trying on old clothes, they would be too big to wear. It all still feels sureal to be losing at the rate I am being a 59 yr old post menopausal woman

    Have a happy Monday all
    You are doing so well!! And you are right about not getting rid of the skinny clothes; we never want to give in to the fact we will stay fat; because we won't!!! I am with you on the age and being postmenopausal; I couldn't seem to lose any thing more on conventional diets so I started IP. I am not moving down the scales as fast as you; but I am still grateful. I am grateful for you and being able to see your progress and lovely posts! You are great!!