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  • I am beginning the low-carb WOE and do have a question. Why is it that we cannot have caffeine? I am addicted to Pepsi and am trying to get used to Diet Pepsi----I guess that I don't understand the caffeine thing.....

  • Supposedly some people are sensitive to caffeine. Personally I think it's because Dr. A is a sadist. LOL Truthfully, I do llose more if I give up the caffeine. The science behind that, I'm not sure, but I know it's true.
  • As a stimulant, I guess it may affect the insulin levels. I don't remember from the book, but I will look it up for you if I don't forget.
  • It raises blood sugar levels. When the levels drop again, you get hungry.
  • I am going to be brave and drink green tea this week!!! Just one week and see what happens!!!!
  • Umm, Rachel? Green tea has MORE caffeine than coffee!! (but you can get caffeine free green tea if it helps! )
  • I don't think that caffeine free drinks taste different then the ones with caffiene. But then again, I don't usually drink anything with caffiene in it.

    I do know that my husband is a monster with out his morning caffiene!!

  • Thanks ladies for the last push I needed to stop drink coffee. This morng was my last. And I only drank it this morning because dh made it without asking . According to the book caffeine can hinder weight loss rate. So that's it for me and coffee.
  • Pooky - I meant cafeine free - left out that oh so important part!!!!
  • I think when I get down to 165 lbs, and need a push to loose that extra 10lbs, I might consider giving it up for a week .......but thats it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love my coffee, and my weight is coming off just fine with it. Mind you, 165 is a ways away yet
  • I understand the science of it, but I think it can vary from person to person. I did low carb a couple years ago and with my diet pepsi and morning coffee, was losing usually 3 or more pounds a week. ( I went from size 16 to a size 10 in a short amount of time) I drink oceans of water as well everyday, and it's usually just one coffee in the morning, one diet pepsi in the afternoon.

    I don't smoke or drink, and this is my vice. I know personally, I can't or am not willing to give it up completely. I do drink a lot less than I used to, so that's something! And I did give up chocolate......

    For me, caffeine gives me a needed energy kick to get on my treadmill and run. I don't find, personally, that it makes me hungry or stimulates my appetite.

    I'm only on Induction right now and trying to break a plateau.

    Just my own 2 cents......
  • It's the caramel coloring that they use in colas and pepsi that can have an adverse effect on low carbers weight loss.. Personally?? I drink orange crush made with splenda.. :biggrin:
  • It's the carmel coloring? Then my Diet Code Red Mt. Dew is on the safe list. Oh thank you Lord! These withdrawal headaches are killing me.
  • WLS folks are told that caffeine helps us retain water, and that slows our weight loss. to break this, for every 8 oz of caffeinated beverage we drink, we're supposed to drink 16 oz of non-caff something.

    and that's why we spend all day in the bathroom!!!! some of you think it's because we're tossing something... but nope!!!!
  • Hmm... I thought I spent all day in the bathroom to check for new lines and wrinkles.