I count my weight loss in tiny horses

  • After I lost my first 6 lbs, I looked up "what weighs 6 lbs" and low and behold I found Einstein the smallest horse in the world, weighing in at 6 lbs. Now I count my weight loss in horses. Currently I'm 2.5 lbs from a 3 horse sleigh ride!
  • I like that sentiment. It's cute
  • OMG that made me LOL for real. That is awesome!!!
  • How cute! Losing tiny horses sounds friendlier/less daunting than losing pounds, lol.
  • This made me laugh!! That's awesome... Tiny horses, LOL.

    Good job! Enjoy your small sleigh ride!

  • Hehehehe that's great! And 6lbs isn't a huge amount so you can lose a horse often enough to stay motivated!
  • Quote: Hehehehe that's great! And 6lbs isn't a huge amount so you can lose a horse often enough to stay motivated!
    Haha, I actually consider 6 lbs pretty significant but maybe it's just the stage of weight-loss I'm at. My goal is about 5 horses give or take and I go down a pant size every 2 horses or so. And my pants definitely get loose after losing each horse.
  • Haha very nice! A long time ago there was a similar thread--people were posting what they've "lost" in weight. Nice spin on things.
  • That's hilarious, nice way of looking at it!